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Does wolframscript run under Microsoft Subsystems for Linux (WSL)?

Posted 6 years ago

Wolframscript runs on my Windows 10 Pro PC (I have Mathematica 11.3 installed), but my WSL/Ubuntu installation does not find it on the path. I'd be grateful to know if/how wolframscript can be added to the path under WSL.

Many thanks


POSTED BY: Andrew Read
3 Replies
Posted 6 years ago

Yes, it works! Thank you all very much :-)

I'll post any particular experiences I have with it for the benefit of other users

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Andrew Read

You need to add ".exe" at the end when running in WSL. I doubt anyone has used the kernel/wolframscript in this manner, so your miles may vary.... It might work well, it might not. And remember, you are running the Windows version. Path names, line endings are still native to Windows (even though you launched it from bash).

POSTED BY: Ian Hojnicki

Yes, it does.

The Linux version would be able to work natively (as in the screenshot below).

One caveat with this is that kernel functionality that needs to use the FE as a service is going to need some additional X11 libraries to be installed.

It is also possible to use the Windows binary as Ian's post indicates (though if using the Windows version I would rather run that in a cmd window).

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Ilian Gachevski
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