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[?] Set frame ticks on GeoListPlot?

When I use a frame on a GeoListPlot, the longitude labels are correct but the latitude labels are not.

GeoListPlot[GeoPosition@{{32, -122}, {33, -123}, {34, -124}}, 
 Frame -> True]

GeoListPlot with incorrect latitude labels

Can anyone tell me what's going on here?

POSTED BY: Paul McGill
2 Replies

These ticks only makes sense if you have the Equirectangular projection, add the option:

GeoProjection -> "Equirectangular"

so that they match.

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman

Thank you, Sander! Here's the result in case anyone else encounters this issue.

GeoListPlot[GeoPosition@{{32, -122}, {33, -123}, {34, -124}}, 
 Frame -> True, GeoProjection -> "Equirectangular"]

GeoListPlot with correct frame labels

POSTED BY: Paul McGill
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