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Use a natural cubic spline to create a function that interpolates data?

Posted 6 years ago

Hello, I have to use a natural cubic spline to create a function that interpolates set of data point. Is possible to do this by using Interpolation or InterpolatingFunction methods? Looking at the interpolation method, I saw that there is an option InterpolationOrder but paying a bit with it, I was not able to reach a good result. Thank you in advance, best regards P

POSTED BY: Tarpanelli Paolo
2 Replies

Hello Daniel,

I just found in wolfram library archive a nb which could answers my needs even if it creates a module which computes the coefficient of the spline function, while I was trying to find a native function in Mathematica which does the interpolation.
Anyway, I am looking at the nb and I will be back to you in case of specific question best regards p

POSTED BY: Tarpanelli Paolo

It might be easier to address this if you post a particular example and the code you tried thus far.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau
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