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Find the closer point to the observed point in the Taylor Plot?


Is there any numerical way to find the closer model (Model1 or Model 2) to the Bluepoint (Observed) in the Taylor Plot?

Observed = {8.241666666666665`, 9.533333333333333`, 10.629166666666666`, 
   11.8125`, 13.429166666666669`, 13.583333333333332`, 12.454166666666666`, 
   11.166666666666666`, 11.024999999999999`, 11.074999999999998`};

Model1 = {7.388576416143433`, 8.611162282190872`, 9.708615798586239`, 
   10.676244526223503`, 11.756032351657968`, 13.282924395953437`, 
   13.431274460380749`, 12.355429878281225`, 11.162417014336363`, 

Model2 = {7.388576416143433`, 8.611162282190872`, 9.708615798586239`, 
   10.676244526223503`, 11.756032351657968`, 13.282924395953437`, 
   13.431274460380749`, 12.355429878281225`, 11.162417014336363`, 


{mObserved, mModel1, mModel2} = Mean /@ {Observed, Model1, Model2}

{11.295, 10.9406, 10.9406}

Standard deviations:

{sdObserved, sdModel1, sdModel2} = 
 StandardDeviation /@ {Observed, Model1, Model2}

{1.64688, 1.94494, 1.94494}

Correlation coefficients:

{ccObserved, ccModel1, ccModel2} = 
 Correlation[YObserved, #] & /@ {Observed, Model1, Model2}

{1., 0.879641, 0.879641}

rmse[obs_, model_] := 
 Sqrt[Length[obs]/(Length[obs] - 1)]
   RootMeanSquare[(obs - Mean[obs]) - (model - Mean[model])]

{rmseModel1, rmseModel2} = rmse[Observed, #] & /@ {Model1, Model2}

{0.927299, 0.927299}

Taylor Diagram

taylorDiagram[obs_, models_, labels_, maxSD_, stepRMSE_] := 
 Module[{ticksize = 0.02, frameticksoffset = 0.014, 
   label = "Standard deviation", corrlabel = "Correlation", 
   radialcolor = Darker@Cyan, observedcolor = Blue, rmsarccolor = Brown, 
   RadialPosition, RadialLine, arcs, radial, tickmarks, frameticks, 
   frameticklabels, axesticks, framelabels, origin = StandardDeviation[obs], 
   datapoints, meanarc, CreateRMSarcs, rmsarcs, sdtext, rmsetext, cctext, 
   obstext, sdo = StandardDeviation[obs], 
   sdm = StandardDeviation[#] & /@ models, rmses, points},
  rmses = Sqrt[
       Length[obs]/(Length[obs] - 1)] RootMeanSquare[(obs - Mean[obs]) - (# - 
          Mean[#])] & /@ models; 
  points = MapThread[
    Select[{x, y} /. 
       NSolve[{x^2 + y^2 == #1^2, (x - sdo)^2 + y^2 == #2^2}, {x, 
         y}], #[[1]] > 0 && #[[2]] > 0 &] &, {sdm, rmses}];
  arcs = Circle[{0, 0}, #, {0, Pi/2}] & /@ Range[maxSD, 0, -stepRMSE];
  arcs[[1]] = {Thick, arcs[[1]]};
  RadialPosition[corr_?NumericQ] := AngleVector[{maxSD, ArcCos[corr]}];
  RadialLine[corr_?NumericQ] := {{0, 0}, RadialPosition[corr]};
  radial = {{Black, Line[RadialLine /@ {0, 1}]}, {radialcolor, Dashed, 
     Line[RadialLine /@ Join[Range[0.1, 0.9, 0.1], {0.95, 0.99}]]}};
  tickmarks = 
   RadialPosition /@ Join[Range[0.05, 0.85, 0.1], Range[0.91, 0.99, 0.01]];
  tickmarks = {#, (1 - ticksize) #} & /@ tickmarks;
  tickmarks = {radialcolor, Line[tickmarks]};
  frameticks = Range[0, 1, 0.1]~Join~{0.95, 0.99};
  frameticklabels = 
   If[Round[#, 0.1] == #, NumberForm[#, {\[Infinity], 1}], #] & /@ frameticks;
  frameticks = 
    Text[#1, (1 + frameticksoffset) #2, {-1, 0}, 
      AngleVector[#3]] &, {frameticklabels, RadialPosition /@ frameticks, 
  axesticks = Range[maxSD, stepRMSE, -stepRMSE];
  axesticks = Join[
    Text[If[Round[#] == #, Round[#], #], {#, -maxSD frameticksoffset}, {0, 
        1}] & /@ axesticks, 
    Text[If[Round[#] == #, Round[#], #], {-maxSD frameticksoffset, #}, {1, 
        0}] & /@ axesticks];
  framelabels = {
    Text[Style[label, 17], {maxSD/2, -4 maxSD frameticksoffset}, {0, 1}],
    Text[Style[label, 17], {-4 maxSD frameticksoffset, maxSD/2}, {0, -1}, {0, 
    Text[Style[corrlabel, 17], 
     AngleVector[{(1 + 6 frameticksoffset) maxSD, 45 \[Degree]}], {1, 0}, 
     AngleVector[-45 \[Degree]]]};
  datapoints = {{observedcolor, PointSize[0.038], Point[{origin, 0}]}};
  meanarc = {Black, Thick, Dashed, Circle[{0, 0}, origin, {0, Pi/2}]};
  CreateRMSarcs[origin_, arcsize_, maxsize_] := Module[{start, stop},
    start = If[origin + arcsize > maxsize,
      Pi - ArcCos[(maxsize^2 - arcsize^2 - origin^2)/(-2 arcsize origin)], 0];
    stop = If[origin - arcsize >= 0, Pi, Pi - ArcCos[origin/arcsize]];
    {Dashed, AbsoluteThickness[1.5], rmsarccolor, 
     Circle[{origin, 0}, arcsize, {start, stop}], 
      AngleVector[{origin, 0}, {arcsize - 0.025 maxsize, (stop + start)/2}]]}];
  rmsarcs = 
   CreateRMSarcs[origin, #, maxSD] & /@ Range[stepRMSE, maxSD, stepRMSE];
  cctext = 
   Text[Style["Cyan lines: contours of constant correlation coefficient", 12],
     Scaled[{1, 0.97}], {1, 1}];
  sdtext = 
   Text[Style["Black circular arcs: contours of constant standard deviation", 
     12], Scaled[{1, 0.945}], {1, 1}];
  rmsetext = 
   Text[Style["Brown circular arcs: contours of constant RMSE", 12], 
    Scaled[{1, 0.92}], {1, 1}];
  obstext = 
   Text[Style["Blue point: observed standard deviation", 12], 
    Scaled[{1, 0.895}], {1, 1}];
  Show[Graphics[{radial, tickmarks, arcs, frameticks, axesticks, framelabels, 
     meanarc, datapoints, rmsarcs, Darker@Cyan, cctext, Black, sdtext, Brown, 
     rmsetext, Blue, obstext}, ImageSize -> 600], 
   ListPlot[points, PlotMarkers -> {Automatic, 40}, PlotLegends -> labels], 
   BaseStyle -> 16]]

Taylor Plot 

pT = taylorDiagram[Observed, {Model1, Model2}, {"Model1", "Model2"}, 4, .75]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: M.A. Ghorbani
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