Create three Quantities with Independent Units:
In[3]:= a1 = Quantity[2, IndependentUnit["aaa"]]
Out[3]= Quantity[2, IndependentUnit["aaa"]]
In[4]:= a2 = Quantity[3, IndependentUnit["bbb"]]
Out[4]= Quantity[3, IndependentUnit["bbb"]]
In[6]:= a3 = Quantity[4, IndependentUnit["ccc"]]
Out[6]= Quantity[4, IndependentUnit["ccc"]]
Add two of them, and you get an "incompatible units" warning, but it works (in the purrely formal sense, like a complex number, which is fine):
In[7]:= a1 + a2
During evaluation of In[7]:= Quantity::compat: IndependentUnit[aaa] and IndependentUnit[bbb] are incompatible units >>
Out[7]= Quantity[2, IndependentUnit["aaa"]] + Quantity[3, IndependentUnit["bbb"]]
Try adding all three, and it hangs:
In[8]:= a1 + a2 + a3
During evaluation of In[8]:= Quantity::compat: IndependentUnit[aaa] and IndependentUnit[bbb] are incompatible units >>
During evaluation of In[8]:= Quantity::compat: IndependentUnit[aaa] and IndependentUnit[bbb] are incompatible units >>
During evaluation of In[8]:= Quantity::compat: IndependentUnit[aaa] and IndependentUnit[bbb] are incompatible units >>
During evaluation of In[8]:= General::stop: Further output of Quantity::compat will be suppressed during this calculation. >>
Out[8]= $Aborted
A fair amount of instability seems to accompany using IndependentUnits...kernel crashing out of the blue.
Anyone understand this?