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CCompile a C++ code original from Visual Studio 2017

I will like some help completing this compilation . It runs fine in Visual Studio 2017 and the solution projet is available at Github here

My Mathematic code has a problem identifying one of the header files php.c . I went to the documentation ut can not figure how to include the file here since not sure where is in the VS2017 directory.

Here is the code in Mathematica

hello = CreateExecutable["
// MC777Scattering.cpp : This file contains the 'main' function. \
Program execution begins and ends there.

* Original work from Biomedical Optics Series
Steven L. Jacques, Scott A. Prahl 
*  mc321.c    , in ANSI Standard C programing language
*  Monte Carlo simulation yielding spherical, cylindrical, and \
*    responses to an isotropic point source in an infinite \
*    medium with no boundaries. This program is a minimal Monte \
*    program scoring photon distributions in spherical, cylindrical,
*    and planar shells.
*  by Steven L. Jacques based on prior collaborative work
*    with Lihong Wang, Scott Prahl, and Marleen Keijzer.
*    partially funded by the NIH (R29-HL45045, 1991-1997) and
*    the DOE (DE-FG05-91ER617226, DE-FG03-95ER61971, 1991-1999).
*  A published report illustrates use of the program:
*    S. L. Jacques: \"Light distributions from point, line, and \
*    sources for photochemical reactions and fluorescence in turbid
*    biological tissues,\" Photochem. Photobiol. 67:23-32, 1998.
*  Trivial fixes to remove warnings SAP, 11/2017
*  Theodore Info: 
*  The problem with the code was the fopen function. This function \
is deprecated
*  and has been replace with the fopen_s function whose parameters \
are as follows
*  fopen_s(<pointer to a file stream e.g FILE* >, <filename>, \
<options e.g w, r>)
*  Modified by Abohweyere Oghenefejiro Theodore of Durham College \
*  Modified by Jose E. Calderon University of Puerto Rico for a \
solution in VS C++ 2017

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include \"pch.h\"
#include <iostream>
#define PI          3.1415926
#define LIGHTSPEED  2.997925E10 /* in vacuo speed of light [cm/s] */
#define ALIVE       1          /* if photon not yet terminated */
#define DEAD        0         /* if photon is to be terminated */
#define THRESHOLD   0.01       /* used in roulette */
#define CHANCE      0.1       /* used in roulette */
#define COS90D      1.0E-6
/* If cos(theta) <= COS90D, theta >= PI/2 - 1e-6 rad. */
#define ONE_MINUS_COSZERO 1.0E-12
     /* If 1-cos(theta) <= ONE_MINUS_COSZERO, fabs(theta) <= 1e-6 rad. \
     /* If 1+cos(theta) <= ONE_MINUS_COSZERO, fabs(PI-theta) <= 1e-6 \
rad. */
#define SIGN(x)           ((x)>=0 ? 1:-1)
#define InitRandomGen    (double) RandomGen(0, 1, NULL)
     /* Initializes the seed for the random number generator. */
#define RandomNum        (double) RandomGen(1, 0, NULL)
     /* Calls for a random number from the randum number generator. */

double RandomGen(char Type, long Seed, long *Status);
/* Random number generator */

int main() {

    /* Propagation parameters */
    register double    x, y, z;    /* photon position */
    register double    ux, uy, uz; /* photon trajectory as cosines */
    register double  uxx, uyy, uzz;    /* temporary values used during \
    register double    s;          /* step sizes. s = -log(RND)/mus [cm] */
    register double    costheta;   /* cos(theta) */
    register double  sintheta;   /* sin(theta) */
    register double    cospsi;     /* cos(psi) */
    register double  sinpsi;     /* sin(psi) */
    register double    psi;        /* azimuthal angle */
    register double    i_photon;   /* current photon */
    register double    W;          /* photon weight */
    register double    absorb;     /* weighted deposited in a step due to \
absorption */
    register short   photon_status;  /* flag = ALIVE=1 or DEAD=0 */

    /* other variables */
    register double    Csph[1001];  /* spherical   photon concentration \
CC[ir=0..100] */
    register double    Ccyl[1001];  /* cylindrical photon concentration \
CC[ir=0..100] */
    register double    Cpla[1001];  /* planar      photon concentration \
CC[ir=0..100] */
    register double    Fsph;       /* fluence in spherical shell */
    register double    Fcyl;       /* fluence in cylindrical shell */
    register double    Fpla;       /* fluence in planar shell */
    register double    mua;        /* absorption coefficient [cm^-1] */
    register double    mus;        /* scattering coefficient [cm^-1] */
    register double    g;          /* anisotropy [-] */
    register double    albedo;     /* albedo of tissue */
    register double    nt;         /* tissue index of refraction */
    register double    Nphotons;   /* number of photons in simulation */
    register short NR;         /* number of radial positions */
    register double    radial_size;  /* maximum radial size */
    register double    r;          /* radial position */
    register double  dr;         /* radial bin size */
    register short ir;         /* index to radial position */
    register double  shellvolume;  /* volume of shell at radial \
position r */

    /* dummy variables */
    register double  rnd;        /* assigned random value 0-1 */
    register double    temp;    /* dummy variables */
    FILE*  target;     /* point to output file */

    /**** INPUT
       Input the optical properties
       Input the bin and array sizes
       Input the number of photons

    mua = 1.0;     /* cm^-1 */
    mus = 0.1;  /* cm^-1 */
    g = 0.090;
    nt = 1.33;
    Nphotons = 100000000; /* set number of photons in simulation */
    radial_size = 6.0;   /* cm, total range over which bins extend */
    NR = 1000;  /* set number of bins.  */
    dr = radial_size / NR;  /* cm */
    albedo = mus / (mus + mua);

    i_photon = 0;
    for (ir = 0; ir <= NR; ir++) {
       Csph[ir] = 0;
       Ccyl[ir] = 0;
       Cpla[ir] = 0;

    /**** RUN
       Launch N photons, initializing each one before progation.
    do {

       /**** LAUNCH
          Initialize photon position and trajectory.
          Implements an isotropic point source.
       i_photon += 1;    /* increment photon count */
       W = 1.0;                    /* set photon weight to one */
       photon_status = ALIVE;      /* Launch an ALIVE photon */

       x = 0;                      /* Set photon position to origin. */
       y = 0;
       z = 0;

       /* Randomly set photon trajectory to yield an isotropic source. */
       costheta = 2.0*RandomNum - 1.0;
       sintheta = sqrt(1.0 - costheta * costheta);   /* sintheta is always \
positive */
       psi = 2.0*PI*RandomNum;
       ux = sintheta * cos(psi);
       uy = sintheta * sin(psi);
       uz = costheta;

          Propagate one photon until it dies as determined by ROULETTE.
       do {

         /**** HOP
            Take step to new position
            s = stepsize
            ux, uy, uz are cosines of current photon trajectory
         while ((rnd = RandomNum) <= 0.0);   /* yields 0 < rnd <= 1 */
         s = -log(rnd) / (mua + mus);          /* Step size.  Note: log() \
is base e */
         x += s * ux;                        /* Update positions. */
         y += s * uy;
         z += s * uz;

         /**** DROP
            Drop photon weight (W) into local bin.
         absorb = W * (1 - albedo);      /* photon weight absorbed at \
this step */
         W -= absorb;                  /* decrement WEIGHT by amount \
absorbed */

         /* spherical */
         r = sqrt(x*x + y * y + z * z);    /* current spherical radial \
position */
         ir = (short)(r / dr);           /* ir = index to spatial bin */
         if (ir >= NR) ir = NR;        /* last bin is for overflow */
         Csph[ir] += absorb;           /* DROP absorbed weight into bin */

         /* cylindrical */
         r = sqrt(x*x + y * y);          /* current cylindrical radial \
position */
         ir = (short)(r / dr);           /* ir = index to spatial bin */
         if (ir >= NR) ir = NR;        /* last bin is for overflow */
         Ccyl[ir] += absorb;           /* DROP absorbed weight into bin */

         /* planar */
         r = fabs(z);                  /* current planar radial position */
         ir = (short)(r / dr);           /* ir = index to spatial bin */
         if (ir >= NR) ir = NR;        /* last bin is for overflow */
         Cpla[ir] += absorb;           /* DROP absorbed weight into bin */

        /**** SPIN
         Scatter photon into new trajectory defined by theta and psi.
         Theta is specified by cos(theta), which is determined
         based on the Henyey-Greenstein scattering function.
         Convert theta and psi into cosines ux, uy, uz.
        /* Sample for costheta */
         rnd = RandomNum;
         if (g == 0.0)
          costheta = 2.0*rnd - 1.0;
         else {
          double temp = (1.0 - g * g) / (1.0 - g + 2 * g*rnd);
          costheta = (1.0 + g * g - temp * temp) / (2.0*g);
         sintheta = sqrt(1.0 - costheta * costheta); /* sqrt() is faster \
than sin(). */

         /* Sample psi. */
         psi = 2.0*PI*RandomNum;
         cospsi = cos(psi);
         if (psi < PI)
          sinpsi = sqrt(1.0 - cospsi * cospsi);     /* sqrt() is faster \
than sin(). */
          sinpsi = -sqrt(1.0 - cospsi * cospsi);

         /* New trajectory. */
         if (1 - fabs(uz) <= ONE_MINUS_COSZERO) {      /* close to \
perpendicular. */
          uxx = sintheta * cospsi;
          uyy = sintheta * sinpsi;
          uzz = costheta * SIGN(uz);   /* SIGN() is faster than division. \
         else {             /* usually use this option */
          temp = sqrt(1.0 - uz * uz);
          uxx = sintheta * (ux * uz * cospsi - uy * sinpsi) / temp + ux * \
          uyy = sintheta * (uy * uz * cospsi + ux * sinpsi) / temp + uy * \
          uzz = -sintheta * cospsi * temp + uz * costheta;

         /* Update trajectory */
         ux = uxx;
         uy = uyy;
         uz = uzz;

         /**** CHECK ROULETTE
            If photon weight below THRESHOLD, then terminate photon using \
Roulette technique.
            Photon has CHANCE probability of having its weight increased \
by factor of 1/CHANCE,
            and 1-CHANCE probability of terminating.
         if (W < THRESHOLD) {
          if (RandomNum <= CHANCE)
              W /= CHANCE;
          else photon_status = DEAD;

       } /* end STEP_CHECK_HOP_SPIN */
       while (photon_status == ALIVE);
       /* If photon dead, then launch new photon. */
    } /* end RUN */
    while (i_photon < Nphotons);

    /**** SAVE
       Convert data to relative fluence rate [cm^-2] and save to file \
called \"mcmin321.out\".
       Theodore: Here fopen(<filename>, <options>) has been replaced \
       fopen_s(<pointer to a file stream e.g FILE* >, <filename>, \
<options e.g w, r>)
fopen_s(&target, \"mc321_.out\", \"w\");

    /* print header */
    fprintf(target, \"number of photons = %f\\n\", Nphotons);
    fprintf(target, \"bin size = %5.5f [cm] \\n\", dr);
    fprintf(target, \"last row is overflow. Ignore.\\n\");

    /* print column titles */
    fprintf(target, \"r [cm] \\t Fsph [1/cm2] \\t Fcyl [1/cm2] \\t \
Fpla [1/cm2]\n\");

    /* print data:  radial position, fluence rates for 3D, 2D, 1D \
geometries */
    for (ir = 0; ir <= NR; ir++) {
       /* r = sqrt(1.0/3 - (ir+1) + (ir+1)*(ir+1))*dr; */
       r = (ir + 0.5)*dr;
       shellvolume = 4.0*PI*r*r*dr; /* per spherical shell */
       Fsph = Csph[ir] / Nphotons / shellvolume / mua;
       shellvolume = 2.0*PI*r*dr;   /* per cm length of cylinder */
       Fcyl = Ccyl[ir] / Nphotons / shellvolume / mua;
       shellvolume = dr;            /* per cm2 area of plane */
       Fpla = Cpla[ir] / Nphotons / shellvolume / mua;
       fprintf(target, \"%5.5f \\t %4.3e \\t %4.3e \\t %4.3e \\n\", r, \
Fsph, Fcyl, Fpla);


} /* end of main */


*   RandomGen
*      A random number generator that generates uniformly
*      distributed random numbers between 0 and 1 inclusive.
*      The algorithm is based on:
*      W.H. Pr. Teukolsky, W.T. Vetterling, and B.P.
*      Flannery, \"Numerical Recipes in C,\" Cambridge University
*      Press, 2nd edition, (1992).
*      and
*      D.E. Knuth, \"Seminumerical Algorithms,\" 2nd edition, vol. 2
*      of \"The Art of Computer Programming\", Addison-Wesley, \
*      When Type is 0, sets Seed as the seed. Make sure \
*      When Type is 1, returns a random number.
*      When Type is 2, gets the status of the generator.
*      When Type is 3, restores the status of the generator.
*      The status of the generator is represented by Status[0..56].
*      Make sure you initialize the seed before you get random
*      numbers.
#define MBIG 1000000000
#define MSEED 161803398
#define MZ 0
#define FAC 1.0E-9

double RandomGen(char Type, long Seed, long *Status) {
    static long i1, i2, ma[56];   /* ma[0] is not used. */
    long        mj, mk;
    short       i, ii;

    if (Type == 0) {              /* set seed. */
       mj = MSEED - (Seed < 0 ? -Seed : Seed);
       mj %= MBIG;
       ma[55] = mj;
       mk = 1;
       for (i = 1; i <= 54; i++) {
         ii = (21 * i) % 55;
         ma[ii] = mk;
         mk = mj - mk;
         if (mk < MZ)
          mk += MBIG;
         mj = ma[ii];
       for (ii = 1; ii <= 4; ii++)
         for (i = 1; i <= 55; i++) {
          ma[i] -= ma[1 + (i + 30) % 55];
          if (ma[i] < MZ)
              ma[i] += MBIG;
       i1 = 0;
       i2 = 31;
    else if (Type == 1) {       /* get a number. */
       if (++i1 == 56)
         i1 = 1;
       if (++i2 == 56)
         i2 = 1;
       mj = ma[i1] - ma[i2];
       if (mj < MZ)
         mj += MBIG;
       ma[i1] = mj;
       return (mj * FAC);
    else if (Type == 2) {       /* get status. */
       for (i = 0; i < 55; i++)
         Status[i] = ma[i + 1];
       Status[55] = i1;
       Status[56] = i2;
    else if (Type == 3) {       /* restore status. */
       for (i = 0; i < 55; i++)
         ma[i + 1] = Status[i];
       i1 = Status[55];
       i2 = Status[56];
       puts(\"Wrong parameter to RandomGen().\");
    return (0);
#undef MBIG
#undef MSEED
#undef MZ
#undef FAC

", "hellomyfirst", Language -> "C++",
"Compiler" -> 
"CompilerInstallation" -> 
"C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Microsoft Visual Studio\\2017\\Community",
"CompilerName" -> Automatic
Import["!" <> QuoteFile[hello], "Text"]
POSTED BY: Jose Calderon
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