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Possible error in IsotopeData (germanium-76 and selenium-82)?

Posted 5 years ago

I found 2 isotopes in Wolfram database which are marked as unstable, but their lifetime is indicated as infinite (germanium-76 and selenium-82). The following chunck of code illustrates the issue:

g1 = Table[{{z, a} ,
IsotopeData[{z, a},
IsotopeData[{z, a}, "Stable"], 
IsotopeData[{z, a}, "Lifetime"],
IsotopeData[{z, a},
IsotopeData[{z, a}, "Name"] }, {z, 1, 118}, 
{a,  IsotopeData[#, "MassNumber"] & /@ IsotopeData[z]}] //
Flatten[#, 1] &; g1 // Length

Select[g1, #1[[1]] == {32, 76} &] Select[g1, #1[[1]] == {34, 82} &]

Is it an error of what?

POSTED BY: Igor Kotelnikov

Hey, Igor, how are you? I posted about something like that ( Isotope data is not updated. So, you can play but not work with it.

Ge76 and Se82 are stable

enter image description here enter image description here

You can use the nuclear database:

POSTED BY: Estevao Teixeira
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