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Work on a form for step-by-step solutions for indefinite integrals?

Posted 5 years ago

Dear Wolfram Community,

I am working on a form for step-by-step solutions for indefinite integrals. I am having an issue with the iteration limit when I run

CloudDeploy[ FormFunction[{"Function" -> "String"}, StepByStepSolutionIndefiniteIntegral]]

which gives me $IterationLimit::itlim: Iteration limit of 4096 exceeded. I attach the file

Best wishes,


POSTED BY: Rodrigo Sambade
2 Replies
Posted 5 years ago

Your question should be related to the specific issue you're having (as opposed just asking what you're doing wrong). But in the body you also don't identify the question nor is the particular question evident from the code supplied. Is it something about creating forms? Is it a particular integral?

POSTED BY: Jim Baldwin

Dear Jim,

Running CloudDeploy[ FormFunction[{"Function" -> "String"}, StepByStepSolutionIndefiniteIntegral]] gives me $IterationLimit::itlim: Iteration limit of 4096 exceeded.

Best wishes,


POSTED BY: Rodrigo Sambade
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