I don't really know if this is what you are looking for. I think you would need to have some idea about what format the data are stored in.
In[23]:= stream =
OpenRead["~/Downloads/skinvessel_F.bin", "BinaryFormat" -> True]
In[24]:= data = BinaryReadList[stream, "Real64"];
In[25]:= Length@data
Out[25]= 4000000
but the data doesn't look right,
In[27]:= Partition[data, 4][[;; 5]]
Out[27]= {{7.53462*10^12, 0.387341, 3.18711*10^13,
3.53061*10^13}, {4.21261*10^12, 3.52798*10^10, 5.43781217*10^-315,
8.49333*10^9}, {399.019, 3.83559*10^10, 3.07557*10^8,
3.78863*10^12}, {1.97246*10^8, 2.4602*10^13, 4.28114*10^13,
1.73976*10^14}, {1.23685*10^15, 3.48269*10^14, 5.48375828*10^-315,