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Sum over two variables

Posted 12 years ago
How can I find The sumation Of:
where: (s) is go from 1 to 10 ,,, And ( t) is go from  1 to 10 . And there is another condition {(s) dosn't equal to (t+1)}
I am looking eorward to recieve the soluation ..Thank you, 
POSTED BY: Ahmed Al-Ali
4 Replies
Thank you its work well
POSTED BY: Ahmed Al-Ali
Easy task with Wolfram|alpha - here is the LINK:

POSTED BY: Sam Carrettie
Wolfram Alpha speaks Mathematica so

sum Boole(s != t+1)*(2*s + t) from s = 1 to 10, t = 1 to 10

POSTED BY: Frank Kampas
Sum[2 s + t, {t, 1, 10}, {s, 1, 10}]
Sum[Boole[s !=  t + 1]*(2 s + t), {t, 1, 10}, {s, 1, 10}]
POSTED BY: Frank Kampas
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