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Image-based reinforcement learning with neural networks

Posted 4 years ago

In an attempt at creating new gym environments, I want to use Images as inputs to neural networks in reinforcement learning but have got stuck with a problem of training never converging.

Am I making an obvious mistake? Using a deeper CNN as policy network does not help either.

I suspect there is one / are some issues with

  1. CollectEpisodes, sample
  2. step and reward design
  3. loss network definition

Context The first environment (Pixels-v1) is going to be that of a few happy pixels surviving against various simple hazards.

  • "ObservedState": a 40*40 Image
  • "ActionSpace": {Left, Right, Up, Down}
  • "Step": I am not sure how to define the reward here for the neural network to converge, intention for the simplest case: Reward == 1 if stepped closer than ever before to center, otherwise 0; also Ended == True if active Pixel hit edges.


  1. Is there anyone willing to help me out with the attached notebook?
  2. Is there anyone with a different complete example of employing neural networks in reinforcement learning in Mathematica?


POSTED BY: Robert Wilford
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