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Automated Block function for guaranteed localization

Posted 5 years ago

Is there a way to guarantee localization of variables and functions as input of a function (or even a block of code, as I have run into issues with functions) that when a variable is defined or a function is defined, that it will localize without needing to specify like in Block, Module, or With? Something along the lines of this:

In[2]:= x
In[3]:= Definition[F]

I'm driving myself insane attempting to generate a function that doesn't have one stupid small detail out of place preventing me from defining an automated localization function. I have tried using Hold and replacement rules to try and catch defined function heads and symbols, but it's not coming out as nice as I was hoping. Thank you for your time and consideration.

POSTED BY: Joshua Champion
2 Replies

After days of frustration, I have written a way to automate localization of variables declared inside the code, however due to quirks of the Wolfram language it appears I cannot make it into a function. Thank you though.

POSTED BY: Joshua Champion

This seems to be answered here:

but often all you need is to write packages:

POSTED BY: Kuba Podkalicki
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