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Harmonize Plot and Units in a simple way?

I'm trying to get the following output:

enter image description here

The respective code is the following:

regData = {
   c1 -> Quantity[5.00, "Grams"/("Seconds")^(8/10)],
   c2 -> Quantity[-3.00, "Grams"/"Seconds"],
   c3 -> Quantity[20.00, "Grams"]

m[t_] := (c1 t^(8/10) + c2 t + c3) /. regData;

grf1 = Plot[
   Evaluate[m[t] 10^3], {t, Quantity[0., "Seconds"], 
    Quantity[10., "Seconds"]}, AxesLabel -> {"t(s)", "m(g)"}];

sol1 = Solve[m'[t] == 0, t] // Flatten;

ti = 0;
tf = QuantityMagnitude[t /. sol1];
mi = 0;
mf = QuantityMagnitude[m[t] /. sol1];

grf2 = Graphics[{Dashed, Line[{{ti, mf}, {tf, mf}}]}];
grf3 = Graphics[{Dashed, Line[{{tf, mi}, {tf, mf}}]}];
grf4 = Graphics[{PointSize[Medium], Point[{tf, mf}]}];
grf5 = Graphics[Text["Max point", {1.3 tf, 1.004 mf}]];

Show[grf1, grf2, grf3, grf4, grf5]

Things are almost perfect, except by the "10^3" in the content of "grf1" symbol. This number must be included in the code in order to maintain the unit "Grams" working. Can someone give some tip about solving this problem?

I read few posts about using units in a graph created by Plot, especially the "Plot functions of Quantities with Units?", posted by Eric Hudson in this community. I'm hopping that something new and easy has arised to solve problems like this.

8 Replies


I'm glad I was able to help! My only comment is that your graph is labeled in Milligrams, don't you need to convert to milligrams (or multiply by 1000)? or am I missing something?



POSTED BY: Neil Singer

There is a little misunderstood, probably mine. In the x-axis we'll find Time measured in Seconds - t(s). In the y-axis, Mass measured in Grams - m(g). The problem start with grams and seconds and finish in the same way.


POSTED BY: Neil Singer

Dear Neil,

Both methods worked fine, but the first one required just a single change. Impressive! I discarded the "Milligrams" because I was not interested in it.

The final code was:

regData = {
   c1 -> Quantity[5.00, "Grams"/("Seconds")^(8/10)],
   c2 -> Quantity[-3.00, "Grams"/"Seconds"],
   c3 -> Quantity[20.00, "Grams"],
   tc -> Quantity[2.00, "Seconds"],
   td -> Quantity[5.00, "Seconds"]

m[t_] := (c1 t^(8/10) + c2 t + c3) /. regData;

sol1 = Solve[m'[t] == 0, t] // Flatten;

ti = 0;
tf = QuantityMagnitude[t /. sol1];
mi = 0;
mf = QuantityMagnitude[m[t] /. sol1];

(* Old code: *)
(* Plot[Evaluate[m[t]10^3],{t,Quantity[0.,"Seconds"],Quantity[10.,\
"Seconds"]} *)
Plot[m[Quantity[t, "Seconds"]], {t, 0, 10},
 AxesLabel -> {"t(s)", "m(g)"},
 Epilog -> {Dashed, Line[{{ti, mf}, {tf, mf}}], 
   Line[{{tf, mi}, {tf, mf}}], PointSize[Medium], Point[{tf, mf}], 
   Text["Max point", {1.3 tf, 1.004 mf}]}

That's the solution I was looking for. Thanks a lot.

Regards, Anderson

My approach to this would be to disentangle the graphics from the units and then use a simplified approach to specifying the graphics. I do this with two applications I've written. If you would like a copy of them just write me and I'll give you the link. (UnitsHelper, among other features, has decibel units and provision for specifying reduced unit systems such as gravitational units or atomic units.)

<< UnitsHelper`
<< Presentations`

The first step is to deunitize the the mass expression that has units in it to obtain a numerical expression with implicit units. Define the mass expression:

mass = c1 t^(4/5) + c2 t + c3;

We have to specify that the variables are numeric.

TagSet[#, NumericQ[#], True] & /@ {c1, c2, c3, t}; 

Define the data for the expression. There is one extra definition specifying the units for t.

data = {c1 -> Quantity[5.00, "Grams"/("Seconds")^(8/10)], 
  c2 -> Quantity[-3.00, "Grams"/"Seconds"], 
  c3 -> Quantity[20.00, "Grams"], t -> t Quantity[1, "Seconds"]};

We then use a UnitsHelper routine, ToImpliedUnits, on the mass expression. We supply the data rules and the output unit. We could have used any set of units for these as long as they are consistent. The result is an Association.

(resultAssoc = mass // ToImpliedUnits[data, Quantity[1, "Grams"]]) // 
  Normal // Column


<|"Expression" -> c3 + c1 t^(4/5) + c2 t, 
 "Data" -> {c1 -> Quantity[5., ("Grams")/("Seconds")^(4/5)], 
   c2 -> Quantity[-3., ("Grams")/("Seconds")], 
   c3 -> Quantity[20., "Grams"], t -> Quantity[t, "Seconds"]}, 
 "Variable Units" -> {t}, "Output Units" -> "Grams", 
 "Implied Expression" -> 20. + 5. t^(4/5) - 3. t|>

Define the numeric expression by extracting the "ImpliedExpression" from the Association. We define the numerical mass expression. This, of course, would look different if there we used different units.

NMass[t_] = resultAssoc["Implied Expression"]


20. + 5. t^(4/5) - 3. t

Calculate the time of maximum mass.

tmax = Solve[NMass'[tt] == 0, {tt}][[1, 1, 2]]  



Now specify the graphics using a portion of the Presentations application. The idea here is that everything is a Graphics primitive, whereas in Wolfram graphics everything is Graphics. So in the following statement Draw is functionally the same as Plot except that it returns primitives and only uses Options that directly affect the rendering of the curve. It's just drawing one thing after another and specifying everything in one statement that's easy to edit in perfecting a graphic.

 {Draw[NMass[t], {t, 0, 10}],
  {Dashed, Line[{{0, NMass[tmax]}, {tmax, NMass[tmax]}, {tmax, 0}}]},
  {PointSize[Medium], Point[{tmax, NMass[tmax]}]},
  Text[Style["Max Point", Black, 12], {tmax, NMass[tmax]}, {0, -2}]},
 AspectRatio -> 0.7,
 PlotRange -> {{0, 10}, {20, 24}},
 Axes -> True,
 AxesLabel -> {"t(s)", "m(g)"},
 LabelStyle -> {Black, 12}

enter image description here

Here is a variation. The Ticks are modified so the coordinates of the max point are shown. A faint LightBlue grid is put in the background. The curve color is changed to Black. A CirclePoint (from Presentations) is used to mark the maximum point. The axis units are marked more explicitly.

xticks = CustomTicks[Identity, 
   databased[{{0, 0}, {2, 2}, {tmax, NumberForm[tmax, {3, 2}]}, {6, 
      6}, {8, 8}, {10, 10}}]];
yticks = CustomTicks[Identity, 
   databased[{{20, 20}, {21, 21}, {22, 22}, {NMass[tmax], 
      NumberForm[NMass[tmax], {3, 1}]}, {24, 24}}]];
 {Draw[NMass[t], {t, 0, 10}, PlotStyle -> {Black}],
  {Dashed, Line[{{0, NMass[tmax]}, {tmax, NMass[tmax]}, {tmax, 0}}]},
  CirclePoint[{tmax, NMass[tmax]}, 3, Black, White],
  Text[Style["Max Point", Black, 12], {tmax, NMass[tmax]}, {0, -2}],
  Text["grams", {0.2, 23.9}, {-1, 0}],
  Text["seconds", {9.5, 20.2}]
 AspectRatio -> 0.7,
 PlotRange -> {{0, 10}, {20, 24}},
 Axes -> True,
 AxesLabel -> {"t", "m"},
 Ticks -> {xticks, yticks},
 GridLines -> {CustomGridLines[Identity, {0, 10, 1}], 
   CustomGridLines[Identity, {20, 24, 1/2}]},
 Method -> {"GridInFront" -> False},
 LabelStyle -> {Black, 12}

enter image description here

Nothing funny happens.

Dear David,

Thanks for your reply.

I'm finishing a twenty sections tutorial entitled "Mathematica: Utilizando na prĂ¡tica" ("Mathematica: Using in practice", yes I'm from Brazil). This is to complement a minicourse I applyed last October to my students.

My post is related to the tutorial section "Solving physics problems". Because of the Mathematica difficults experienced by the students, I'm trying to keep things as simple as possible.

Your approach is interesting, but unfortunately too much complex to my students. Anyway, I apreciated your effort.

Best regards, Anderson

... especially the "Plot functions of Quantities with Units?", posted by Eric Hudson in this community.

Obviously this problem still exists (v12.0) and still one good workaround is using ListLinePlot instead. I would do it like so:

regData = {c1 -> Quantity[5.00, "Grams"/("Seconds")^(8/10)], c2 -> Quantity[-3.00, "Grams"/"Seconds"], c3 -> Quantity[20.00, "Grams"]};

m[t_] := Evaluate[(c1 t^(8/10) + c2 t + c3) /. regData];

data = Table[{t, m[t]}, {t, Quantity[0., "Seconds"], Quantity[10., "Seconds"], Quantity[.1, "Seconds"]}];
sol1 = Solve[m'[t] == 0, t] // Flatten;

ti = 0;
tf = QuantityMagnitude[t /. sol1];
mi = 0;
mf = QuantityMagnitude[m[t] /. sol1];

ListLinePlot[data, AxesLabel -> Automatic, 
 Epilog -> {Dashed, Line[{{ti, mf}, {tf, mf}}], Line[{{tf, mi}, {tf, mf}}], PointSize[Medium], Point[{tf, mf}], Text["Max point", {1.3 tf, 1.004 mf}]}]

Instead of defining different graphics and adding them together with Show the command Epilog can be used, but sadly quantities are understood here neither. Just for making the quantities used obvious I changed AxesLabel to Automatic.

POSTED BY: Henrik Schachner
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