Dear all The problem of global data analysis is a common problem among experimenters, especially in chemical kinetics. I have different kinetics (variation of absorbance as a function of time) at different wavelengths. I would like to adjust a set of 10 kinetics. These kinetics are governed by the same kinetic law, the same rate constants (here k3,k4,k5 ) but the absorption coefficients (ea, eh and ef) depend on the wavelength. I usually do these fits with Igor (Wavemetrics) but without any analytical solution I turned to Mathematica. I tried the MultiNonlinearModelFit function
Clear[k3, k4, k5, ea1, eh1, ef1, ea2, eh2, ef2]
sol = ParametricNDSolve[{Derivative[1][ag][t] == -k3*ag[t],
Derivative[1][gox][t] == k3*ag[t],
Derivative[1][h][t] ==
k3*ag[t] - 2*k4*h[t]*h[t] + 2*k5*ff[t]*ff[t],
Derivative[1][ff][t] == 2*k4*h[t]*h[t] - 2*k5*ff[t]*ff[t],
ag[0] == 0.000006, h[0] == 0, gox[0] == 0, ff[0] == 0}, {ag, gox,
h, ff}, {t, 0, 2000}, {k3, k4, k5}];
{agFunc, goxFunc, hFunc, fFunc} = {ag, gox, h, f} /. sol;
model1[k3_, k4_, k5_, ea1_, eh1_, ef1_][
t_] := (((agFunc[k3, k4, k5][t])*ea1) + (eh1*
hFunc[k3, k4, k5][t]) + (ef1*fFunc[k3, k4, k5][t]));
model2[k3_, k4_, k5_, ea2_, eh2_, ef2_][
t_] := (((agFunc[k3, k4, k5][t])*ea2) + (eh2*
hFunc[k3, k4, k5][t]) + (ef2*fFunc[k3, k4, k5][t]));
fit = MultiNonlinearModelFit[{dat1,
dat2}, {model1[k3, k4, k5, ea1, eh1, ef1][t],
model2[k3, k4, k5, ea2, eh2, ef2][t]}, {k3, k4, k5, ea1, eh1, ef1,
ea2, eh2, ef2}, {t}];
I have a concern with the output I don't understand.
ParametricNDSolve::ndsz: At t == 3.127085338387159`, step size is effectively zero; singularity or stiff system suspected.
InterpolatingFunction::dmval: Input value {3.2} lies outside the range of data in the interpolating function. Extrapolation will be used.
NonlinearModelFit::nrlnum: The function value {-0.039527+1. f[1.,1.,1.][0.2],-0.0396433+1. f[1.,1.,1.][0.4],-0.0396255+1. f[1.,1.,1.][0.6],-0.0394311+1. f[1.,1.,1.][0.8],-0.0393989+1. f[1.,1.,1.][1.],-0.0394361+1. f[1.,1.,1.][1.2],-0.0394022+1. f[1.,1.,1.][1.4],-0.039186+1. f[1.,1.,1.][1.6],-0.0392537+1. f[1.,1.,1.][1.8],-0.0392642+1. f[1.,1.,1.][2.],<<32>>,-0.0384155+1. f[1.,1.,1.][8.6],-0.0383621+1. f[1.,1.,1.][8.8],-0.0385297+1. f[1.,1.,1.][9.],-0.0384413+1. f[1.,1.,1.][9.2],-0.0384188+1. f[1.,1.,1.][9.4],-0.0382994+1. f[1.,1.,1.][9.6],-0.0383953+1. f[1.,1.,1.][9.8],-0.0381658+1. f[1.,1.,1.][10.],<<850>>} is not a list of real numbers with dimensions {900} at {k3,k4,k5,ea1,eh1,ef1,ea2,eh2,ef2} = {1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.,1.}.
Yet it provides me with parameters which for some are far from the expected values: {k3 -> 76620.6, k4 -> -23293.5, k5 -> 10237.6, ea1 -> 169.232, eh1 -> 81.862, ef1 -> 14461.1, ea2 -> 157.347, eh2 -> 80.0374, ef2 -> 14761.5}
Parts of the data are
dat2 = {{0.2, 0.0366929}, {0.4, 0.0368321}, {0.6, 0.0368786}, {0.8,
0.0367551}, {1, 0.036677}, {1.2, 0.036687}, {1.4, 0.0365921}, {1.6,
0.0365438}, {1.8, 0.0364348}, {2, 0.0364835}, {2.2,
0.036489}, {2.4, 0.0363618}, {2.6, 0.0361545}, {2.8,
0.0362492}, {3, 0.0362564}, {3.2, 0.0362539}, {3.4,
0.0361269}, {3.6, 0.0362652}, {3.8, 0.0361286}, {4,
0.0361022}, {4.2, 0.0360444}, {4.4, 0.0360916}, {4.6,
0.0360261}, {4.8, 0.0360464}, {5, 0.0359304}, {5.2,
0.0358969}, {5.4, 0.0359568}, {5.6, 0.036002}, {5.8,
0.0358563}, {6, 0.0360431}, {6.2, 0.0358403}, {6.4,
0.0358596}, {6.6, 0.0358963}, {6.8, 0.0359946}, {7,
0.0358273}, {7.2, 0.0359167}, {7.4, 0.0357477}, {7.6,
0.0357798}, {7.8, 0.0358253}, {8, 0.0358452}, {8.2,
0.0358645}, {8.4, 0.035836}, {8.6, 0.0358447}, {8.8,
0.0357238}, {9, 0.0358621}, {9.2, 0.0358738}, {9.4,
0.0357445}, {9.6, 0.0356904}, {9.8, 0.0357929}, {10, 0.0355983}}
dat1 = {{0.2, 0.039533}, {0.4, 0.0396493}, {0.6, 0.0396315}, {0.8,
0.0394371}, {1, 0.0394049}, {1.2, 0.0394421}, {1.4,
0.0394082}, {1.6, 0.039192}, {1.8, 0.0392597}, {2,
0.0392702}, {2.2, 0.039207}, {2.4, 0.0391561}, {2.6,
0.0390186}, {2.8, 0.038951}, {3, 0.0390279}, {3.2,
0.0389623}, {3.4, 0.0389681}, {3.6, 0.0389333}, {3.8,
0.0387812}, {4, 0.0388705}, {4.2, 0.0388193}, {4.4,
0.0387575}, {4.6, 0.0386211}, {4.8, 0.0388169}, {5,
0.0387259}, {5.2, 0.038528}, {5.4, 0.0387643}, {5.6,
0.03884}, {5.8, 0.0385277}, {6, 0.0385109}, {6.2, 0.0386881}, {6.4,
0.0385117}, {6.6, 0.038618}, {6.8, 0.0386693}, {7,
0.0385695}, {7.2, 0.0385362}, {7.4, 0.0384269}, {7.6,
0.038459}, {7.8, 0.038489}, {8, 0.0384817}, {8.2, 0.0384481}, {8.4,
0.0384566}, {8.6, 0.0384215}, {8.8, 0.0383681}, {9,
0.0385357}, {9.2, 0.0384473}, {9.4, 0.0384248}, {9.6,
0.0383054}, {9.8, 0.0384013}, {10, 0.0381718}}
other question, but perhaps not far from the problem: is it possible to reduce the search area for the right parameters by specifying an existence interval for each parameter. E.g. 0.001<k3<0.01, 1<k4<400, 500<ea, etc?
Thank you in advance for your advice and help.