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Use CloudPut with FormFunction

Posted 4 years ago

I am trying to ask for user import for values in a model. It would ask for a number and than use CloudPut to store that number. This value will than be later used in an equation. I was thinking I could store the numbers and associated variable name with CloudPut by asking in a FormFunction using CloudDeploy for entry on web.
I can not figure out how to do this correctly. I have tried various methods but this is the closest I have come but it is not storing it correctly. Any ideas on how to do this? Thanks.

In[78]:= CloudDeploy[FormFunction["testn"->"Number",CloudPut[testn,"test"]]]

The result which is not giving the number, but the variable name In[88]:= CloudGet["test"] Out[88]= testn

POSTED BY: David Kerr
Posted 4 years ago

UPDATE: I figured out how to do this. The correct command is:


And gives...

In[84]:= CloudGet["test"]

Out[84]= 556
POSTED BY: David Kerr
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