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For the Javascript notebook-embedder does anyone have method examples?

Posted 4 years ago

For the Javascript notebook-embedder does anyone have method examples?

Using Javascript notebook embedding from the github I would like to see working examples of the following methods of the class WolframNotebookEmbedder.embed

(At the end of the list I have shown the methods that I have got working.)

abortEvaluation: t=> {…}
addEventListener: ƒ (t,e)
clearSelectionUponKeyboardDismissal: t=> {…}
closeGroup: t=> {…}
copyData: t=> {…}
cutData: t=> {…}
detach: ƒ detach()
evaluateCell: t=> {…}
evaluateElements: t=> {…}
evaluateExpression: t=> {…}
evaluateSelection: t=> {…}
getCellContent: t=> {…}
getCellRenderingMethod: t=> {…}
getCells: t=> {…}
getDimensions: t=> {…}
getDynamicModuleVariable: t=> {…}
getElementParent: t=> {…}
getElementUUID: t=> {…}
getElements: t=> {…}
getFunctionTemplates: t=> {…}
getLastGeneratedCell: t=> {…}
getOption: t=> {…}
getScrollPosition: t=> {…}
getSelection: t=> {…}
getUndoState: t=> {…}
insertAutocompletion: t=> {…}
insertCellAtCursor: t=> {…}
insertCellBefore: t=> {…}
insertFunctionTemplate: t=> {…}
isEvaluatable: t=> {…}
moveSelection: t=> {…}
moveSelectionDirections: t=> {…}
openGroup: t=> {…}
pasteData: t=> {…}
redo: t=> {…}
removeCell: t=> {…}
removeEventListener: ƒ (t,e)
selectElements: t=> {…}
selectSeparatorAfterElement: t=> {…}
selectSeparatorBeforeElement: t=> {…}
setAttributes: ƒ setAttributes(attrs)
setCellContent: t=> {…}
setDynamicModuleVariable: t=> {…}
setOptions: t=> {…}
setScrollPosition: t=> {…}
undo: t=> {…}

"I have got the flowing ones working:"

   "width": 500,
   "height": 282

   "elements": [
         "type": "group",
         "id": "c5"
   "isClosed": false,
   "visibleElementIndex": null

   "left": 0,
   "top": 0

   "elements": [],
   "inCell": null,
   "cursorPosition": null,
   "separator": {
      "cellBefore": null,
      "cellAfter": {
         "cellId": "c6"

   "cells": [
         "type": "cell",
         "id": "c6"
         "type": "cell",
         "id": "c10"
         "type": "cell",
         "id": "c15"
         "type": "cell",
         "id": "c19"

myNoteBook.setDynamicModuleVariable({cellId:"c19", name:"x$$", value:0.8}) 

POSTED BY: Jeremy Ellis
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