Hi, I am trying to get step by step integration output in a proper format from command line.
I can get it in plaintext with:
WolframAlpha["int x*exp(2*x)", {{"IndefiniteIntegral", 2}, "Plaintext"},
PodStates -> {"IndefiniteIntegral__Step-by-step solution"}]
but I want it in a more proper format like LaTeX. Calling the command
WolframAlpha["int x*exp(2*x)", {{"IndefiniteIntegral", 2}, "Plaintext"},
PodStates -> {"IndefiniteIntegral__Step-by-step solution"}],
does not make sense. Also changing ""Plaintext" term with "Cell" or "Content" does not work.
If i want only the result, the command
WolframAlpha["int x*exp(2*x)", {{"IndefiniteIntegral", 1}, "Cell"}],
works well.
How can I adapt this for integration steps?