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Gradient Origin Networks

Posted 4 years ago

In this work, the authors expand on a recent paper about representation networks with sine active functions and try to make such representations generate a latent space. In a nutshell, they add extra dimensions to the input space and use the gradient of the loss function in regards to these extra parameters as a first approximation which is then fed to a more global loss function.

So there are actually two loss functions, one calling the other and the network function F ends up being called twice in the global loss function.

Anyway, I'm not sure how I could implement this in Mathematica.

First, I would need to compute the gradient of the inner loss function. Then I would have to write the global loss function and provide it to the NetTrain method, I suppose? Would Mathematica be able to automatically do the differentiation?

Here is my code to train one single image, that is training a SIREN without any attempt at implementing the Gradient Origin Network. It works well and quick with such tiny (28x28) image.

mnist = ResourceObject["MNIST"]
trainingData = ResourceData[mnist, "TrainingData"]
img = Keys[trainingData] // RandomChoice

linspace[n_] := Range[(1 - n)/2, (n - 1)/2];
grid[w_, h_] := Pi/2 Tuples[{linspace[h], linspace[w]}] // N;

input = grid @@ ImageDimensions[img]
output = Partition[Flatten[2 # - 1 &@ImageData@img], 1]

net = NetInitialize[
      28 // {
       #, Sin,
       #, Sin,
       1, Sin
      } &,
      "Input" -> 2
net = NetTrain[net, (input -> output)]

Image@Partition[(# + 1)/2 &[net /@ input], 28]

How would I go about expanding this code to use the method describe in the paper so that I build a latent space to represent all the MNIST digit dataset ?

PS. I suppose I can define a gradient function.

latentSpaceSize = 32;
\[Epsilon] = .000001;

grad[x_, y_] :=
     {f, v, \[Epsilon]i},
     (f[v + \[Epsilon]i] - f[v - \[Epsilon]i])/(2 \[Epsilon])
    net@# &,
    {x, y}~Join~ConstantArray[0, latentSpaceSize],
    \[Epsilon] UnitVector[2 + latentSpaceSize, i]
   {i, 2 + Range[latentSpaceSize]}

grad[0, 0]

I would also have to augment the size of the input :

input = Table[
   xy ~Join~ConstantArray[0, latentSpaceSize],
  {xy, grid @@ ImageDimensions[img]}
net = NetInitialize[
    28 // {
       #, Sin,
       #, Sin,
       1, Sin
       } &,
    "Input" -> 2 + latentSpaceSize
POSTED BY: Lucien Grondin

I think I managed to do it.

PS. I forgot to negate the gradient in this first attempt, but it turns out this doesn't change the training performance in any noticeable way. I think this highlights a contentious aspect of this paper : the gradient may not serve as anything useful. I bet it could be replaced with a random vector and we'd still get the same performance. In other words the generated latent space has no meaning, it just serves as distinguishing mark between each image.

POSTED BY: Lucien Grondin
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