Tried that in Mathematica and it came up with a blank cube?
But, not one to be deterred, I changed it to Table[{x, z, f}, ...] and that seemed to fix it?
Had to monkey with the settings a bit to get the proportions right-ish. Took me a while to figure out how to get the right info displayed on the various axes. & ended up relabeling the axes 'cause to me the vertical axis should by the Y axis, not the Z axis. But anyway...
GraphStart = 4 (* First graph to plot. Must be even integer. *)
GraphEnd = 60 (* Last graph to plot. Must be even integer. *)
f[z_?EvenQ] := With[{n = z/2}, (Sum[Abs[Cos[((n + 2 + 2 (k - 1)) Pi)/(2 n)]], {k, 1, n}])/(Sum[Abs[Cos[x + (((n + 2 + 2 (k - 1)) Pi)/(2 n))]], {k, 1, n}])]
funcs = Table[{x, z, f[z]}, {z, GraphStart, GraphEnd, 2}];
ParametricPlot3D[funcs, {x, 0, 2 Pi}, PlotRange -> {Automatic, {0, GraphEnd}, {0.5, 1}}, BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1}, ViewPoint -> {8, -20, 10}, AxesEdge -> {{-1, -1}, {-1, -1}, {-1, -1}} , Ticks -> {Automatic, {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20}, Automatic}, PlotPoints -> 200, AxesLabel -> {"x axis", "z axis", "y axis"}]
One minor glitch is labeling the new 'Z' axis. I just want the even integer ticks labeled. But, so far, the only way I seem to be able to do that is to manually specify each and every one.
What I'd like to do is simply say something like Even Integers between 0 & 'GraphEnd.'
I tried inserting a Table into the Ticks parameter like "Ticks->{Automatic,Table[w,{w,0,GraphEnd,2}],Automatic}" but the graph highlighted red and no ticks were labeled. So, clearly that's not right.
Actually, it does seem to be right. For some reason the first time around it malfunctioned for some reason. Maybe I accidentally deleted a parenthesis or a curly brace or something. Regardless, it didn't like it. So, here's more-or-less what I'm working with now:
GraphStart = 4 (* First graph to plot. Must be even integer. *)
GraphEnd = 60 (* Last graph to plot. Must be even integer. *)
TicksTable := Table[t, {t, 0, GraphEnd, 2}];
f[z_?EvenQ] := With[{n = z/2}, (Sum[Abs[Cos[((n + 2 + 2 (k - 1)) Pi)/(2 n)]], {k, 1, n}])/(Sum[Abs[Cos[x + (((n + 2 + 2 (k - 1)) Pi)/(2 n))]], {k, 1, n}])]
funcs = Table[{x, z, f[z]}, {z, GraphStart, GraphEnd, 2}];
ParametricPlot3D[funcs, {x, 0, 2 Pi},
PlotRange -> {Automatic, {0, GraphEnd}, {0.5, 1}}, BoxRatios -> {1, 1, 1}, ViewPoint -> {8, -20, 10}, AxesEdge -> {{-1, -1}, {-1, -1}, {-1, -1}} , Ticks -> {Automatic, TicksTable, Automatic}, PlotPoints -> 200, AxesLabel -> {"x axis", "z axis", "y axis"}]
Seems to more-or-less do what I was hoping it would do...
Though I guess I'm still not sure why it needs to be a ParametricPlot3D as opposed to a ListPlot3D. Or is there a way to accomplish the same thing with ListPlot3D? Dunno...
I guess, as long as it does what I need for visualization, the nuts and bolts can remain something of a mystery.