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ISSAC 2014 Call for Software Presentations


ISSAC 2014
Call for Software Presentations

International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
Kobe University, Japan, July 23-25, 2014


The International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation is the
premier conference for researchers to present and discuss new developments
and original research results in symbolic and algebraic computation. ISSAC
2014 is the 39th meeting in the series.  It will be held July 23-25, 2014
at Kobe University, Japan.

Software developers are invited to present new software for solving problems
in symbolic and algebraic computation at ISSAC 2014. Authors/developers are
expected to present their work at the symposium. Presenters will be given 15
minutes to demonstrate their software to participants in a special session
for software presentations. There will be 5 additional minutes between
presentations for setup.

All areas of computer algebra and symbolic computation are of interest.
For more information, see ISSAC 2014 Call for Papers

Submission instructions
Please submit an extended abstract in PDF format describing your software and
what you will present at ISSAC to the EasyChair system at
Please include a valid URL or contact address for obtaining the software packages
and documentation.

Abstracts will be evaluated based on content, novelty, originality, importance
and the potential value of the software to the community. Please identify in
your extended abstract what is new that will be presented at ISSAC 2014. If you
are also presenting a related paper at ISSAC 2014, please identify, in your
submission, the differences between the two presentations. You may also submit
your software as a poster.

Extended abstracts of accepted software presentations will be distributed at the
symposium and also printed in an issue of the ACM SIGSAM Communications in
Computer Algebra. These published versions of extended abstracts will be restricted
to a maximum of 3 pages. To encourage submissions of high quality, a best software
presentation prize will be awarded.

Important Dates
Deadline to submit extended abstract (.pdf)    April 20, 2014
Notification of Acceptance                     May 16, 2014
Deadline to submit updated versions            June 6, 2014

Software Presentations Committee
Gabriel Dos Reis (Microsoft)
Daniel Lichtblau (Chair) (Wolfram Research)
John May (Maplesoft)
David Stoutemyer (University of Hawaii)

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau
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