Have you seen this:
http://channel9.msdn.com/posts/Tomas-Petricek-How-F-Learned-to-Stop-Worrying-and-Love-the-DataThe idea is much the same as Wolfram Language, to real-time compile on-line content as part of the programming language.
Two nice features of the language syntax:
1) As types are generated while program is compiled, the language already knows the properties. So nice intellisense and you don't have to type quotation marks:
DoSomething[quotationparam1, parameter2]
DoSomething["quotationparam1", parameter2]
2) Instead of parameter DoSomething you can also say Object |> DoSomething
which leads tto better function composition:
Object |> DoSomething |> DoSomethingAfterThat |> AndFinallyDoThis
The same functionality, but less parentheses. And more natural intention.