Hi Anna,
If what you hve in mind is to look at the four separate maps in one graphic, here are some possibilities. Of course, Mathematica could do all sorts of computations on the data as well. For instance, you could add or average the arrays to see a composite.
(* create a data set as a list of 265x256 arrays *)
elements = Table[Array[RandomInteger[{0, 100}] &, {256, 256}], {4}];
elementNames = {"Element A", "Element B", "Element C", "Element D"};
(* plot the first one as an example *)
ArrayPlot[elements[[1]], PlotLabel -> elementNames[[1]]]

(* all four *)
plots = Table[
ArrayPlot[elements[[n]], PlotLabel -> elementNames[[n]]], {n, 1, 4}]

(* show the plots in a collumn *)

(* show the plots in a 2x2 grid *)
GraphicsGrid[Partition[plots, 2]]