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How to install Add Ons ?

Posted 11 years ago
Can anyone help me with how to install add ons in MATHEMATICA 9.0.1?
I have installed Mathematica 9.0.1 and downloading this package (add ons package), but I don't know how I should install them in MATHEMATICA.  Help me.
POSTED BY: vahid khalili
8 Replies
I was speaking about Windows.
POSTED BY: Frank Kampas
Hi Frank,  

Perhaps it depends on which folder we're talkign about.  On OSX I was referring to 
FileNameJoin[{$InstallationDirectory, "AddOns"}]

If one installs a new version of Mathematica and does so on OSX by overwritting the original with a new one then this directory is replaced with whatever is in the new  I don't know the situation with Windows though. 

POSTED BY: David Reiss
Posted 11 years ago
Thanks all
   My «Add-Ons packages» has ".iso" and ".exe" files format. indeed, i downloaded one file that contain several packages with ".iso" and ".exe" files format.
Commands that you said are for ".m" files or do this applicable for that files i downloaded?

That files is:
Wolfram Mathematica Wavelet Explorer 1.2.2.iso
Wolfram Mathematica Time Series 1.4.0 Win.exe
Wolfram Mathematica Parallel Computer Toolkit 2.1.0.iso
Wolfram Mathematica Finance Essentials 1.2.1 Win.exe
and «
NeuralNetworks» folder.

POSTED BY: vahid khalili

My guess is that those .exe and .iso files are meant to be used as installers (.exe) or to mount as a disk image (.iso).  I am not sure where you obtained those files (they correspond to applciations that I believe one purchases from Wolfram Research directly).  If you have purchased them or recieved them from someone who had purchased them, then there will be instructions on how to install them.  Otherwise you should contact Wolfram Research directly for advice.  Of course I'd be cautious about executable files obtained from a third party.

POSTED BY: David Reiss
I don't think external packages are overwritten if they are in the AddOns/Applications folder on updating.
POSTED BY: Frank Kampas
You can use the approach using the installation GUI that Sean describes above.  Alternatively you can place your package yourself (and remove it by hand if you shoose to) in one of the following directories.

For use of only the user who is installing it palce it in the directory that opens using this command:
SystemOpen[FileNameJoin[{$UserBaseDirectory, "Applications"}]]

For it to be accesible to all users of the system place it in the following directory  that opens using this command:
SystemOpen[FileNameJoin[{$BaseDirectory, "Applications"}]]
Be careful not to put it in the AddOns/Applications folder of the Mathematica installation since this will be updated and overwritten if you update your copy of Mathematica.
POSTED BY: David Reiss
Please see this article about how to install Mathematica packages:
POSTED BY: Sean Clarke
Try putting it in the AddOns/Applications folder (if you're on Windows).
POSTED BY: Frank Kampas
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