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Problem with NDsolve in a simple hydraulic simulation

Posted 3 years ago

Dear Community,

I try to solve a simple physics problem: two water tanks are connected with a pipe, and a pump pumps water uphill. During the solution however NDSolve gives some strange error message, and I have no idea, what's the problem. In an other application this case runs without any problem. I've attached the notebook, the correct results are visible at the bottom of it. Could you pls. have a look, what this error message means, and what should be corrected?

Tx very much in advance, best regards Andras

POSTED BY: agilicz
7 Replies


If you want that then I would use two events -- one turns off the valve and the other turns it on. You get the Plot you want.

sol = NDSolve[ { odesys, 
    WhenEvent[ 2000. <= t <= 2500., d[t] -> 0. , 
     "LocationMethod" -> "LinearInterpolation" ], 
    WhenEvent[ t > 2500., d[t] -> 1. , 
     "LocationMethod" -> "LinearInterpolation" ] } , { h1 , h2 , 
    q1 } , { t , 0. , 3000. } , DiscreteVariables -> d[t]] ;


POSTED BY: Neil Singer
Posted 3 years ago

Dear Neil,

Tx for the kind reply. Yes indeed, I would like to mimic a valve, which I close @2000s, and reopen @2500s. This should have the effect, that the fluid levels remain constant in this period, and the fluid flow gets 0. After opening (@2500s) fluid levels equilibrate and the flow oscillates and slowly diminish. As visible this approach still does not give the right answer, because there is still fluid flow after 2000s. The correct answer is visible at the bottom of the attached notebook. How should I proceed, if I would like to repeat this closing/opening several times? Can this also be done with the WhenEvent command?

Tx for the kind help in advance, best regards Andras

POSTED BY: agilicz

In rereading your file, I am now not sure if you wanted to set the valve at time t>2000 instead of when the tanks cross. You can do the same thing based on time:

sol = NDSolve[  {odesys, 
    WhenEvent[ 2000. <= t <= 2500., d[t] -> 0, 
     "LocationMethod" -> "LinearInterpolation"]}  , { h1 , h2 , 
    q1 } , { t , 0. , 3000. } , DiscreteVariables -> d[t]] ;

Note that I had to add the LocationMethod to the WhenEvent for a time based event because the event detection had trouble finding the crossover (although it still gave the right answer with some warnings). I eliminated the warnings by changing the method used to find the event.


POSTED BY: Neil Singer


What you are asking to do may not make physical sense -- you can't just instantaneously shut down the tanks -- they oscillate because the physics says they should oscillate.

You can, however, model whatever you want including a system with discrete behavior (such as a sudden alteration of the system -- closing a valve, etc.). To do this, I would introduce a discrete variable that is either 1 or 0 and affectively "turn off" your system when you hit a condition. For example,

odesys = {
              D[ h1[t] , t ] == ( Minus[ q1[t] ] / a1 )* d[t],
              D[ h2[t] , t ] == (        q1[t]   / a2 ) * d[t] ,
              D[ q1[t] , t ] == pipefactor * ( h1[t] - h2[t] ) + pumphead[ t ] - frictionfactor * Abs[ q1[t] ] * q1[t] ,
              h1[0] == 1.5 , h2[0] == 1.5 , q1[0] == 0., d[0] == 1

         } ;

Where d[t] is the discrete variable, set it to 1 initially.

Now integrate it with

sol = NDSolve[  {odesys, WhenEvent[ (h1[t]>1.5), d[t] ->0]}  , { h1 , h2 , q1 } , { t , 0. , 3000. } , DiscreteVariables->d[t]] ;

When your condition is hit (in this case When h1[t] crosses through the neutral point at 1.5, it shuts a valve and the two tank height derivative equations go to zero.

I hope this helps.



POSTED BY: Neil Singer
Posted 3 years ago

Dear Neil,

May I ask for a little more help? I've strongly simplified the model, and now I would like to shut down fluid flow in the 2000 - 2500 s simulation interval ( i.e. q1(t) = 0. and consequently fluid levels h1 and h2 must stay constant ). I try to achieve this with the WhenEvent function in NDSolve, but I get some convergence problems. Do you possibly know how to make it correctly? I've attached the notebook.

Tx in advance, best regards Andras

POSTED BY: agilicz
Posted 3 years ago

Dear Neil,

Tx for the kind help. You're right, I made a mistake in the definition of the friction function - now it works fine.

Thank you very much, best regards


POSTED BY: agilicz


Your problem is with the Friction function. You have a discontinuity at 0 flow and using Return[] is not correct. I would change it to

friction[ q_ ] := Module[ { rey = 0. , fl = 0. , ft = 0.  } , 

  If[q >= 0.001,  
   rey = ( 4. * q * \[Rho] ) / ( N[ \[Pi] ] * dia * \[Mu] ) ;
             fl  = 64. / rey ;

   ft  = 1. /(( 
     1.8 * Log10[ 6.9/rey + (ee /(3.7 * dia))^1.11 ] )^2)  ; 

                   {{ (fl), ( 0.    < rey  && rey < 2000. ) } ,
                     {  ( 
       fl + ( ft - fl ) * ( rey - 2000.) / 2000.  ), ( 
       2000. <= rey  && rey < 4000. ) } ,
                     { (  ft), ( 4000. <= rey                 )  }}
                   ] , friction[0.001]]


or if you want to use Which:

friction[ q_ ] := Module[ { rey = 0. , fl = 0. , ft = 0.  } , 

           If[q>=0.001, rey = ( 4. * q * \[Rho] ) / ( N[ \[Pi] ] * dia * \[Mu] ) ;
          fl  = 64. / rey ;
          ft  = 1. /(( 1.8 * Log10[ 6.9/rey + (ee /(3.7 * dia))^1.11 ] )^2)  ; 

                 ( 0.    < rey  && rey < 2000. ) , (  fl ) ,
                 ( 2000. <= rey  && rey < 4000. ) , ( fl + ( ft - fl ) * ( rey - 2000.) / 2000.  ) ,
                 ( 4000. <= rey                 ) , (  ft  ) 
               ] (*  Which[ *), friction[0.001]]


Either of these works. Your plot is still not matching the goal plots you included, however, you can now debug from here. Note your initial conditions are not correct. For example, Tank 2 seems to start at 2.5



POSTED BY: Neil Singer
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