![Morphing triangle grid](https://community.wolfram.com//c/portal/getImageAttachment?filename=tri2c.gif&userId=610054)
Another foreground/background mixup. This time, the shapes are cross-sections of this:
![Spinning 3D solid with hexagonal cross-sections](https://community.wolfram.com//c/portal/getImageAttachment?filename=spinner2.gif&userId=610054)
This is done in six separate pieces that were stitched together. Here's a Manipulate
version of the first:
DynamicModule[{t, cols = RGBColor /@ {"#032d3c", "#94fc13"}},
t = 1/2 - Cos[s]/2;
{White, Thickness[.005],
Polygon[{Sqrt[3]/2 x - Sqrt[3]/2, 3/2 y} + # & /@ Append[#, First[#]]]
(1 - t/2) Table[{Cos[\[Theta]], (-1)^(x + y) Sin[\[Theta]]}, {\[Theta], \[Pi]/2, 2 \[Pi], 2 \[Pi]/3}],
(1/2 + t/2) Table[{Cos[\[Theta]], (-1)^(x + y) Sin[\[Theta]]}, {\[Theta], 5 \[Pi]/6, 13 \[Pi]/6, 2 \[Pi]/3}]]]},
{y, -4, 3}, {x, If[OddQ[y], Range[-5, 5, 2], Range[-4, 6, 2]]}]},
ImageSize -> 540, Background -> cols[[-1]],
PlotRange -> {{-5 Sqrt[3]/2, 5 Sqrt[3]/2}, {-5, 4}},
PlotRangePadding -> -.01],
{s, 0, \[Pi]}]