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Is it possible to select numbers by their digit parity?

Posted 11 years ago
Let's say I have a list of all the 3 digit numbers from 100 to 999 and I want to select those that have an {even, odd, even} parity digit pattern like 204, 678, etc. Is this possible using Select, or Cases or even Pick for I have tried all with no success? The nearest I came to some sort of selection was with this code.
FromDigits /@

Cases[IntegerDigits /@ Range[100, 999], {EvenQ_, OddQ_, EvenQ_}]
but as you can see the results are far from the desired outcome.

POSTED BY: Paul Cleary
7 Replies
Posted 11 years ago
Just for fun: the 900 numbers can be partitioned  by the parity of the integer digits. Of the 8 (2x2x2) patterns the 4 which start with an odd number: they ae of size 125  (5 x5 x5) and the 4 starting with even number are of size 100 (4x5x5): 900=4 x125 +4x100.

You can partition into these equivalence classes:
num = GatherBy[Range[100, 999], EvenQ /@ IntegerDigits@# &];
You can visualize;
EvenQ /@ IntegerDigits@#[[1]] /. {True -> "E", False -> "O"}],Grid[Partition[#, 25]]} & /@ num, Frame -> All]
POSTED BY: Mark Dooris
Posted 11 years ago
You can do this in a number of ways. Here are 2.
list = Range[100, 999];
result = FromDigits /@ Cases[IntegerDigits /@ list, {_?EvenQ, _?OddQ, _?EvenQ}];
Or you could just construct you list:
answer = FromDigits /@Tuples[{Range[2, 8, 2], Range[1, 9, 2], Range[0, 8, 2]}];
Some other approaches:
Select[list, EvenQ /@ IntegerDigits@# == {True, False, True} &]
Pick[list, EvenQ /@ (IntegerDigits /@ list), {True, False, True}]
POSTED BY: Mark Dooris
Posted 11 years ago
Fantastic, All working as expected now, thank you very much for the quick reply.   Btw, is that a documented method?  as it doesn't look familiar.
POSTED BY: Paul Cleary
Hello Paul,
I think it must be documented where pattern constraints are discussed.

But, I think if I were writing it for myself, I would have been more long-winded:
IntegerDigits /@ Range[100, 999],
{a_, b_, c_} /;EvenQ[a] && OddQ[b] && EvenQ[c]
I find the above easier to read.....

Using Select may be faster.
POSTED BY: W. Craig Carter
Posted 11 years ago
I tried using the method in the documentation simmilar to your method, namely this.

Cases[{{1, 2}, {2}, {3, 4, 1}, {5, 4}, {3, 3}}, {a_, b_} -> a + b]

and replacing the

-> a + b with -> EvenQ[a] && OddQ[b] && EvenQ[c]

and that didnt work either, which brings me back to the documentation where the syntax in your method isnt shown, i.e. the "/:" instead of "->".  So again I appreciate your input on this. and as you say the way you used it is easier to read.

POSTED BY: Paul Cleary
Hello Paul,
Hmmm, perhaps it is a matter of taste. But for this:
mylist = IntegerDigits /@ Range[100, 999]
Cases[mylist,{a_, b_, c_} /;EvenQ[a] && OddQ[b] && EvenQ[c]]
I would translate the last line in english as something like.

Find those elements  in mylist which are a list of length three.
Each time a list of three is found, temporarily name the first element a, the second element b, and the third element c.
Finally, accept those elements where a is even, b is odd, and c is even.

If you cut and paste this into the help browser (tutorial/PuttingConstraintsOnPatterns) you will see examples of the /;  and _? usage.
POSTED BY: W. Craig Carter
You were very close...
FromDigits /@
Cases[IntegerDigits /@ Range[100, 999], {_?EvenQ, _?OddQ, _?EvenQ}]
POSTED BY: W. Craig Carter
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