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Typesetting inline math?

Posted 3 years ago

HI ... I am trying to type the following inline math:

Express the polynomial,
ctrl( p = 2 + 3[Alpha]^1 - [Alpha]^2 + [Alpha]^3 ctrl),
in terms of the Falling Power Basis,
ctrl( F = (1, [Alpha]^UnderBar[1], [Alpha]^UnderBar[2], [Alpha]^UnderBar[3]) ctrl),
and the Rising Power Basis,
ctrl( R = (1, [Alpha]^OverBar[1], [Alpha]^OverBar[2], [Alpha]^OverBar[3]) ctrl} of ctrl( P^3 ctrl).

I must be doing something wrong because the inline math does not typeset as math, except that the [Alpha} does show up as the greek symbol alpha.

Any suggestions as to how I can correct the inline math attempt above or any documentation you could point me too.


POSTED BY: Thomas Vermaak
8 Replies

Thanks again ... I will try to install the basic math assistance palette.

POSTED BY: Thomas Vermaak

You can use a palette, for example the basic math assistance. Select the "1" and press the underbar icon in the palette. The underbar has a keyboard shortcut too.

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni

Thanks for all your help, I will experiment and eventually I will get it. :)

POSTED BY: Thomas Vermaak

Thanks again for the pointer link ... I think my problem is to have the exponent to have an UnderBar or OverBar.

It works fine in math mode ... for example:

fallingpwr = {1,\[Alpha]^UnderBar[1], \[Alpha]^UnderBar[2],\[Alpha]^UnderBar[3]}
POSTED BY: Thomas Vermaak

Are you aware of the technique shown in the "enter math notation" workflow?

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni

Yes the powers.

POSTED BY: Thomas Vermaak

Sorry, you already typed into an inline cell. What is the problem then? The powers?

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni

Are you typing into an "inline cell"? It is done with the menu command Insert > Typesetting > Start inline cell. If you know TeX it corresponds to $...$ (math mode). See the workflow page on "insert inline math in text"

POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
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