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What is the procedure of solving DAE in System Modeler?

Posted 3 years ago

I am trying to understand the process of solving DAE in System Modeler, I found some illustration about how Mathematica solves DAE. Here is the link of how Mathematica solving DAE My question is:
Does System Modeler adopt the same procedure? enter image description here

Here is the procedure I think Dymola and other platforms adopt, Does System Modeler also use the same procedure?
enter image description here

POSTED BY: Aaron Jamma
3 Replies
Posted 3 years ago

Yes, that is roughly what System Modeler does.

POSTED BY: Carl Jönsson
Posted 3 years ago

If there are many options in different phases, how does System Modeler determine to choose which method? I don't see any option to allow users to choose the method, so System Modeler must do this automatically. Where could I find the detailed info about the solving DAE process in the system modeler?

POSTED BY: Aaron Jamma
Posted 3 years ago

This question is far too broad to answer.

If you have a specific question, something you would like to with System Modeler, or a suggestion about the product, I might be able to help you better.

POSTED BY: Carl Jönsson
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