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FormPage field is pre-filled with previously submitted value


I want to make a cloud-deployable form (for submitting data to a DataBin) in which the user does repeat submissions in one 'session' (so using FormPage presumably), but ideally after the first submission, one of the fields (the user's name) is automatically filled on the next version of the form (so they don't have keep re-entering it).

Just to be clear: this is not a name I know in advance, so the name field should be empty at the beginning of each 'session' when the cloud form is accessed, but pre-filled for each refresh after the first submission. (And then empty again when the same form is accessed another time.)

Can this be done with options to FormPage?

(If not, then I will look into a workaround. For example, perhaps the initial form asks only for user name, and submission of that generates and then links to a new, custom FormPage on the fly that has the user name pre-filled. Just brainstorming here...)

POSTED BY: Gareth Russell
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