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Invisible files in Cloud Access Folders

Posted 3 years ago
POSTED BY: Chris Van Damme
4 Replies
POSTED BY: Chris Van Damme
Posted 3 years ago
POSTED BY: Joel Klein

Hello Joel, Thanks for putting me on the right way. It's clear for me now that there is a distinction between CloudObjects and Files.

Still working in Cloud Access: I can do a CloudExport of an image and find the information in the cloud file explorer, in CloudObjects and FileNames. I can do a CloudImport of this file with success.

But I can't do a CloudImport of "Kx3.jpg" , for exemple, (see previous post) who is uploaded from cloud file explorer and visible in the CloudObjects.

FaceInterpreter(Copy).nb"], CloudObject[
FaceInterpreter.nb"], CloudObject[
, CloudObject[
, CloudObject[

The CloudImport stopped without result, no error. Strange situation (see In(*) ) who need a Restart Session!


The same for the other jpg's. In fact this problem was the start for my question about the visibility of files.

POSTED BY: Chris Van Damme
Posted 3 years ago

This is just how cloud works -- there are cloud objects, and there are plain files on the cloud file system.

The ways to create cloud objects are with the WL functions like CloudDeploy, CloudExport, CloudPut, or through the cloud web UI, like creating a new notebook or uploading files.

The ways to view cloud objects are with the WL functions like CloudObjects[] or through the cloud file explorer in the cloud web UI.

If you use WL functions to create ordinary files on the cloud file system, they are only visible through WL functions like FileNames.

What makes a cloud object a cloud object is it is registered somewhere with information like its MIME type, the thing that tells the cloud what kind of thing it is so we know what to do when that object is requested (notebooks are handle differently from image files are handled differently from APIFunctions, etc.). While most cloud objects do have a file on the file system, it's that "registered somewhere" that makes them visible to people using the cloud as a web server.

In your case, if you used CloudExport instead of Export, you'd see those exported files in your cloud file browser.

This dichotomy of cloud objects vs plain files is confusing, but I hope this explanation helps a bit. Please let me know if you have further questions.

POSTED BY: Joel Klein
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