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ResourceFunction "Kurvendiskussion" is not working?

Posted 3 years ago

The ResourceFunction["Kurvendiskussion"] delivers no result. The only output provided is:


(I should add that other ResourceFunctions work correctly.)

Any suggestions?

POSTED BY: Andrej Pustisek
5 Replies

Hello Andrej, Kurvendiskussion was published as an alternate name for CurveAnalysis, before the final name was chosen, but is now deprecated (we decided that using a non-English-language function name could be confusing to users). Please let me know if you have any questions or suggestions about CurveAnalysis and thanks for the feedback!

POSTED BY: Paco Jain

We'll look into this.

POSTED BY: Daniel Lichtblau

Sorry - I cannot see any link (?)

POSTED BY: Andrej Pustisek

Thank you very much - indeed, CurveAnalysis works fine. However, also to make the other aware: my Wolfram Documentation shows and (I did not see this before your reply) ... and only the last works.

POSTED BY: Andrej Pustisek

I think you have auto translation on in your browser the function is called:

POSTED BY: Sander Huisman
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