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Descarta2D package for Mathematica 7 is needed

Posted 4 years ago

I work with Mathematica 7 and I would like to try the ADD-On "Descarta2D". A nice but old add-on , not updated after Mathematica 8.
As far as I could find on the web there is a version of Descarta2D that works with Mathematica 7.

I would like to try it. Is there anybody who can help me to find that version ?

Best regards,
The Netherlands

POSTED BY: Chiel Geeraert
2 Replies
Posted 4 years ago

Yes, I have that book with the CD included. But alas, the version on the CD is not compatibel with Math 7.0. In later years Descarta2D has been updated to work with Math 7 and Math 8 and I am looking for that version.

Thank you for your answer.

Chiel Geeraert

POSTED BY: Chiel Geeraert
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