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Appending a property to a variable for use in derivations

Folks -- one of my students asked if it is possible to directly associate a mathematical property with a variable for use in derivations involving that variable. For example, can one associate the property that a variable a is a real number that is greater than zero when performing integrals and the like? I know that one can make this assumption in the Integrate command and in other commands via the option Assumptions -> a>0 , but it would be useful to be able to do this at the beginning of a series of derivations that involve the variable, without constantly having to repeat the Assumption at every step.

Thanks -- Dan Dubin, UCSD

POSTED BY: Dan Dubin
2 Replies
Posted 3 years ago

Have you tried setting the global \$Assumptions?

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi

Thanks, that's what I needed.

POSTED BY: Dan Dubin
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