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How to control PointSize in GeoListPlot?

I marked two groups very close points on GeoListPlot and hoping to control PointSize to avoid overlap. Should I how to do it?

POSTED BY: Tsai Ming-Chou
4 Replies

Hi! The documentation page for GeoListPlot now includes a solution. The Details and Options section contains the following:

PlotMarkers can take the following forms: ... {g,s} expression g at size s

positions = RandomGeoPosition[Entity["Country", "France"], 1000];
GeoListPlot[positions, PlotMarkers -> {Automatic, 5}, 
 ImageSize -> Large]

Thanks Emmanuel & Rohit. These two methods are very suitable for me. I have never considered these methods ~~ It is great!!

POSTED BY: Tsai Ming-Chou
Posted 4 years ago

Hi Ming-Chou,

Many points overlap exactly so changing point size is not going to help.

Complement[a, b]
(* {{24.9868, 121.309}, {24.9954, 121.304}} *)

Complement[b, a]
(* {{24.9948, 121.32}} *)

If the points are close then maybe DynamicGeoGraphics will work. The user can pan and zoom to see the close points.

DynamicGeoGraphics[{PointSize[0.01], Red, Point@GeoPosition@a, Blue, Point@GeoPosition@b},
 GeoZoomLevel -> 11]

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Rohit Namjoshi


The default PlotMarkers in GeoListPlot are not really Points, they are Insets. So you can make custom PlotMarkers like:

GeoListPlot[{GeoPosition@a, GeoPosition@b}, 
 PlotLegends -> Placed[{"A", "B"}, Bottom], 
 PlotMarkers -> Graphics[{PointSize[.06], Point[{0, 0}]}]]
POSTED BY: Emmanuel Garces
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