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Pi in base e for arbitrary # of digits?

Posted 11 years ago
I'm trying to do the honorary "search for a signal in the digits of pi" bit for a presentation, which will have a bit of a plug for WolframAlpha if I get it working.  I basically need a dump of digits of pi in base e.  Ideally, I'd like to pick any digit position and save an arbitrary length of digits from that point.

"pi to base e to 1000000 digits" in WolframAlpha seems to break down and only parse part of the query.  Any suggestions?  

P.S. - I'd also like to do the same for the quantity sqrt(pi/2) as well as pi.

EDIT: I should also mention that I have Wolfram Alpha Pro.

POSTED BY: John Covey
5 Replies
Posted 11 years ago
Thanks for the help, but this is precisely why I bought server time with Wolfram Pro.  I'd be more than disappointed if it can't handle anymore cloud time than the free version.  I guess I was being naive that I could get a few megabytes of digit data without having to code it all from scratch.
POSTED BY: John Covey
Posted 11 years ago
No go, unfortunately.  It didn't parse the input correctly.  See below.

UPDATE:  RealDigits[Pi,E,50000]  is interpreted as "Zip 50000" as well.
POSTED BY: John Covey
Posted 11 years ago
I don't have W|A Pro, but the W|A website times out if I ask for 50000 digits. Both work if I ask for 5000 digits.[Pi%2CE%2C5000][Sqrt[Pi%2F2]%2CE%2C5000]

I didn't know you actually wanted 1000000 digits. I can send you the result from Mathematica, but if you are going to be doing lots of this type of thing, I recommend getting Mathematica Home Edition.
POSTED BY: Michael Hale
Posted 11 years ago
Well, a million digits isn't feasible, but you could maybe do 300,000 overnight.
POSTED BY: Michael Hale
Posted 11 years ago
RealDigits[Pi, E, 100]
The explicit Wolfram Language syntax is accepted by Wolfram Alpha for small computations.
POSTED BY: Michael Hale
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