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Finding declared table in SystemModeler example

Posted 3 years ago

referenced systemmodeler file :

In, there appears the statement thermalConductivityTable[outerMaterial] * A to calculate the wall conductance G in any of the outerwall or innerwall blocks.

Can someone point out to me how to access the thermalConductivityTable[ ] ? I'll need a fairly descriptive response being new to SystemModeler. Thank-you. JohnB

POSTED BY: John Burgers
2 Replies

The author of HouseHeating.Components.Walls probably didn't intended that users of the component should change the table, so therefore it's done in such a away that it isn't visible in the user interface by default. It's a constant so to see it you can enable the Constants view (View > Constants).

You could also so see it directly if you switch to text view (View > Class Window > Modelica Text View or Ctrl + 3).

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Otto Tronarp

Hi John,

You can access the thermalConductivityTable[] using the following steps:

  1. Open the Walls component present inside the Components package.

  2. Open the text view (Ctrl + 3).

  3. There you will find an array named thermalConductivityTable of type Modelica.SIunits.ThermalConductivity. This array contains conductivity factors for the materials like cotton wool, glass wool etc.

POSTED BY: Ankit Naik
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