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Is it possible to find the equations of motion with Mathematica?

How can I determine the equations and other conserved quantity of a field theory with Mathematica?

I would like solve the following Lagrangian density:
POSTED BY: Alexsandro Mota
4 Replies
Posted 11 years ago
Hi Alexsandro,
I am sure it is. I suspect you need to determine the covariant derivative for your field and then use it on the Lagrangian in the usual way. In the classical noncovariant form I used on the oscillator, it would have been almost as easy to do the work in Mathematica with explicit symbolic differentiation as as it was to use the built-in functionality. However, my memory of guage theory is not up to taking this any further.    Maybe there is a physicist here with fresher knowledge?
POSTED BY: David Keith
Posted 11 years ago
Hi Alexsandro,
Mathematica has some nice utilities for Lagrangian mechanics. Below is a link to an earlier posting. One of the replies is mine, and includes an answer which employs those utilities to obtain the equations of motion to a simple system.
Best regards,
POSTED BY: David Keith
Well, but is it possible to do this in the covariant form?
POSTED BY: Alexsandro Mota
POSTED BY: Alexsandro Mota
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