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Limit keeps evaluating

Posted 3 years ago

Hello, I'm trying to evaluate the limit of an expression when the variable goes to infinity and mathematica says: ''Running'' and doesn't evaluate it. Then I have to close the program and open it again in order for it to stop saying ''Running''.

POSTED BY: Tania Gerou
2 Replies

The symbol N is reserved. Use a different name. The following code gives an answer at once:

Subscript[\[Kappa]p, 1] = \[Kappa]1 + \[Mu]1/3;
Subscript[\[Kappa]p, 2] = \[Kappa]2 + \[Mu]2/3;
Subscript[\[Mu]p, 1] = \[Mu]1;
Subscript[\[Mu]p, 2] = \[Mu]2;
Subscript[c, 1] = 1 - Subscript[c, 2];
en = 2;
kp = (Sum[Subscript[c, r]/(
      Subscript[\[Kappa]p, r] + Subscript[\[Mu]p, 1]), {r, 1, 
       en}])^(-1) - Subscript[\[Mu]p, 1];
kp1 = Limit[
  kp, {\[Kappa]1 -> \[Infinity], \[Kappa]2 -> \[Infinity], \[Mu]1 -> 
    5, \[Mu]2 -> 30}, Assumptions -> Subscript[c, 2] > 1]
POSTED BY: Gianluca Gorni
Posted 3 years ago

I didn't use the english N, which is reserved, I used the greek N, which isn't. So, something else is creating the problem but I don't know what. Thank you anyway!

POSTED BY: Tania Gerou
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