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Measurement Concept: Metering for Wind and photvoltaik

Posted 11 years ago
Hey guys,

I try to see whether I can use system modeler to model a combination of a wind turbine,a battery and a photovoltaic panel. The aim is to get them interconnected so the billing of energy consumption will be optimal. The location will be in Germany and there is different subsidies to photovoltaic and wind energy, but first step is to get the system easily stetup in systemodeler. billing would be the next step. so my goal is to have a windturbine, a battery and a second power source (photovoltaic) connected to the local grid with some metering devices to measure the flux of energy. 

when I set up the system as I naively liked to have it, I overdetermined the system and cannot really see which parameters I should set and leave. Is my project too ambious? I worked with Mathematica during my physics studies but feel quite lost now. 

Cheers, Aaron
POSTED BY: Aaron Spring
3 Replies
This should work, but it is hard to tel why it doesn't with the information you provided. Does the problem appear only when you connect the three sub systems (the windturbine, battery, and power source) or already when testing the three sub systems? 

This course,, shows how to build custom components and might be useful for you.

This blog,, on battery modeling, as well as this,, on energy resource dynamics, could also be useful.
POSTED BY: Jan Brugard
Posted 11 years ago
Thanks Jan. I watched the course. I will continue now to test smaller parts first. 

Do you know whether its possible to introduce virtual meter points? So not a physical metering device but a meter point which get calculated due to other meter points? Can this be realized by introducing a function? 
POSTED BY: Aaron Spring
There are several sensors included in the different Modelica standard libraries. As an example Modelica.Electrical.Analog.Sensors has a current, voltage, potential, and power sensor. In the case that you want to measure something for which you do not have an available sensor I recommend using the available sensors as "templates" for developing your own sensors. 

The potential sensor is an example of calculating something from two different metering points, so for the case you mention you can do similarly.

In some cases you might not want to connect to the metering points, but just calculate the value as a function, then you can do this too of course. An example is to do something like this:
 model mySystem
    model subSystem
        Real v1;
    end subSystem;
    subSystem sub1, sub2;
   Real meter;
   meter = sub1.v1 - sub2.v1;
end mySystem;

In this example I have chosen to define the class for my subSystem within mySystem, but of course this would also work for classes that are defined in other places (like the Modelica Standard Library).
POSTED BY: Jan Brugard
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