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Multiple errors while using MintNFT[ ]?

Posted 3 years ago

Has anyone been able to get the MintNFT function to work? I'm pretty much using exactly the code from

but I get this when I call the actual minting function:

Select::normal: Nonatomic expression expected at position 1 in


and also

ExternalStorageUpload::multser: One service was chosen from multiple name services.

Any advice?

POSTED BY: William Doyle
4 Replies

I've just tried this now in Mathematica 13.0.1 (OSX) using the code in the example notebook and get this error when I try to mint the NFT: BlockchainTransaction::invprm: -250000+1000000000 lovelace is not a valid "Amount". I've filed a bug report.

POSTED BY: Arno Bosse

Hi Arno,

We are testing a new version of the MintNFT function and hope to get that approved and pushed to production ASAP.

This new version should solve the problem you have.

Hi William,

The issue has been solved. Do you mind trying again and reporting back the results?


Hi William.

This is due to a bug with IPFS we just fixed. We are testing the fix and hoping to push the update to production today.

I'll update the thread here once it's done.

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