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What advanced searching fields are available for the site?

Posted 13 years ago
Is it possible to restrict a search to:
  1. a limited date range?
  2. a specific group?
  3. particular people?
  4. specific products or versions?
POSTED BY: Brett Champion
5 Replies
There is actually search field syntax one could use to do advanced searches like that.  We need to see what fields are available and we plan on putting up documentation on the advanced search syntax.

We need to do some work on the field names as well, currently they aren't named very intuitively, but that's what we got out of the box with this system. 

I think #4 would be the most out of reach from what we have though.  For products we have group names we can use.  For product versions we don't really have a good way to index that unless we bug every post for a version specification, and I don't think we want to do that.
POSTED BY: Chad Minick
Limited date ranges, filtering by group, and filtering by people are available as faceted filters on the search page after a query has been entered. 
POSTED BY: Rochad Tlusty
Posted 11 years ago

Limited date ranges, filtering by group, and filtering by people are available as faceted filters on the search page after a query has been entered.

Could you be more specific? I do not see a date range filter on the search page. How is it possible to restrict search to a limited date range?

POSTED BY: Alexey Popkov
Chad approved Minick:
I think #4 would be the most out of reach from what we have though.  For products we have group names we can use.  For product versions we don't really have a good way to index that unless we bug every post for a version specification, and I don't think we want to do that.
A wacky idea we had earlier today was to use version as a proxy for dates.  So "Version 7" would correspond to something like the range of dates between 11/2008 and 11/2010 (with maybe some leeway at the tail end, to maybe 1/2011 or something.)
POSTED BY: Brett Champion
Posted 11 years ago

Chad Minick wrote:

There is actually search field syntax one could use to do advanced searches like that. We need to see what fields are available and we plan on putting up documentation on the advanced search syntax.

Dear Chad,

Your answer was posted 2 years ago. Is there any documentation on the advanced search syntax?

POSTED BY: Alexey Popkov
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