Thanks for the great work. I am following your nb and I have error messages at the following commands. I appreciate your help. I am guessing these are input data.
n = 10;
trainedPK = NetTrain[combinedPKNet,<|"PKPDData" -> Table[trainPKPDData, n],
"Target" -> Table[inputPKObs, n],"Weight" -> Table[inputWeight, n] ,"InitialState" -> Table[initState, n],"Dose" -> Table[inputDosing, n]|>, LossFunction -> "Loss", ValidationSet -> None, MaxTrainingRounds -> 10, Method -> {"ADAM", "LearningRate" -> 10^-4, "GradientClipping" -> 1, "L2Regularization" -> 0.1} ]
NetTrain::invindim3: Data provided to port "Dose" should be a non-empty list of n*1 matrices, but was inputDosing.
Sangdon Lee