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Why isn't the x-Axis at the origin y=0?

Can someone tell me why this is happening and how to fix it? (See the Mathematica code and output below.)

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Mark Faucette
4 Replies

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Posted 3 years ago

Perhaps because your first plot used {t,2,4}

You can probably change that if you include AxesOrigin->{0,0} in one or all the plots if that is what you really want.

POSTED BY: Bill Nelson

If I understand the syntax for ParametricPlot, the first plot draws the line segment from the point (0,2) to the point (0,4). That's the y-axis between y=2 and y=4.

Thanks for the AxesOrigin hint. I'll try that.

POSTED BY: Mark Faucette

Your hint of trying AxesOrigin worked. Thanks!!enter image description here

POSTED BY: Mark Faucette
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