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Trouble using NVDA screen reader to read .nb files?

Posted 3 years ago

Hello friends! I trawled through many questions looking for an answer, and I hope that it's just a simple, user-error question. (Also, one clarification: I am not the one who created the .nb files; I am just checking them.)

I'm checking an online university physics course for accessibility. From everything I've read in the VPAT and from a couple mentions of screen readers/keyboard compatibility, it seems as though, once a student downloads the .nb file, they should be able to access it using only their keyboard and a screen reader. However, I have been unable to get NVDA (the free, open-source screen reader we use) to read anything in the file. Neither can I tab through the file to access links or open drop downs that contain content. This is a problem, as all of the course content (including course-relevant links and instructions on how to use Mathematica for the course) is housed within the downloadable .nb files. The closest thing I've found to a possible answer was the page talking about "speak" in the documentation; do you have to code a Mathematica file specifically so that it can be used with a screen reader?

Does anyone have any insight? If I should have posted this somewhere else or if I just missed another post that is pertinent, please let me know; I just want to make sure that these files can be used by anyone who's using a screen reader or only navigating with a keyboard.


POSTED BY: Grace Thomas
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