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Graph plotline has gaps in it

Posted 11 years ago
Hello. I have been experimenting with springs and masses, and sometimes, when I plot the x of t functions, I get gaps in the plotline. Thickening the line makes no difference; the gaps are still there. Why should this be?
POSTED BY: Robert Jenkins
2 Replies
Do you think your question is well-posed? That it supplies enough information about your problem that a total stranger (like me) could work on it? 

Please supply more informstion. Example code that can duplicate the problem would most welcome.
POSTED BY: Morton Goldberg
Posted 11 years ago
You're right. It wasn't well posed. My apologies. I suspect the gaps appear because the spring constants chosen would lead to impossibilities. I'll investigate this myself and, if I'm wrong, I'll re-post.
POSTED BY: Robert Jenkins
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