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Manipulate with two outputs?

Posted 2 years ago

Hello all, please do not fire at me, I am still a learner. Suppose I have a "Manipulate calculation" that gives me the wavelength (in nm) of a hydrogen electron passing from one orbital to another. The way I have built it is the following:

r = 1.097*10^7;   (*Rydberg constant*)

h = 6.62607*10^-34;  (*Planck constant*)

ev = 1.602176634*10^-19;  (*value of 1 eV*)

c = 2.99792458*10^8;  (*speed of light in vacuum*)

rh = 13.6; (*Rydberg constant in eV - lowest energy level*)


Manipulate[1/(r*((1/m^2) - (1/n^2)))*10^9, {m, 1, 9}, {n, 2, 9}]

gives me the wavelength, and:

Manipulate[-rh*((1/n^2)), {n, 1, 900}]

gives me the energy.

Is there a way that I can build a Manipulate calculation that gives me both in the same time?

Many thanks in advance, Mauro B.

6 Replies

Thank you, Sir ! This already increases my knowledge on W language. I just need to organize some stuff according to your example. Thank you so much!

Posted 2 years ago

Or maybe something along these lines?

    x = a*b;
    z = x^c;
        {"Product of a and b", x},
        {"The product raised to c", z}
     Alignment -> {{Left, Right}, Automatic}, Spacings -> 2
    {{a, 2}, 0, 10, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
    {{b, 3}, 0, 10, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
    {{c, 4}, 0, 10, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
    {x, None},
    {z, None}

enter image description here

POSTED BY: Hans Milton

I am afraid I do not understand what you want to do. I guess it is this?

r = 1.09710^7;
h = 6.6260710^-34;
ev = 1.60217663410^-19;
c = 2.9979245810^8;
rh = 13.6;
Dynamic /@ {wL, en}

 wL = 1/(r ((1/m^2) - (1/n^2))) 10^9;
 en = -rh ((1/n^2));
 {wL, "  ", en},
 {m, 1, 9, 1}, {n, 2, 9, 1}]

And now do a (here nonsense) calculation with the values achieved in the Manipulate

POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine

Dear Hans,

what if I want to use one of the inputs of a calculation in Manipulate to express the energy?

Energy (in eV) of an orbital:

E = -Rh (1/n^2)

that would be :

Manipulate[-rh*((1/n^2)), {n, 1, 9, 1}]

But what I have in mind is to have a Manipulate that has an output of the wavelength, the different energy, and use that input of n to calculate the energy as above.

Likewise, I wanted to explore the use of the output from the calculation in Manipulate and come out with some other calculation, inside the Manipulate itself.

I am asking these questions because the ref. documentation only holds very simple examples.

Many thanks in advance! Mauro B.

Brilliant! Thank you Sir !

Like this?

r = 1.09710^7;
h = 6.6260710^-34;
ev = 1.60217663410^-19;
c = 2.9979245810^8;
rh = 13.6;

 wL = 1/(r ((1/m^2) - (1/n^2))) 10^9;
 en = -rh ((1/n^2));
 {wL, en},
 {m, 1, 9}, {n, 2, 9}]
POSTED BY: Hans Dolhaine
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