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Latex output doesn't work

Posted 2 years ago

I'm a newcomer to Mathematica and I'm trying to learn how to convert a notebook to a Latex file. The "Generate Tex with the Wolfram Language" file in the Mathematica documentation shows a simple 2 line notebook (an equation and a graph) and very clear, simple instructions how to proceed - use "save as" and specify a Latex file. Unfortunately, this doesn't work. I get the error message from my Latex editor/viewer (TexStudio) that the file '...-eps-converted-to-.pdf'' not found. Also, the .eps file saved to my computer is not a legitimate .eps file of the graphics. Does anybody know of a newer version of these instructions or some patches or settings that might help me?

POSTED BY: lawrence dworsky

I found a solution to my problem - this might help the next person who runs into it: I had both TexLive and MikTex installed on my computer. I deleted TexLive. The problem went away.

POSTED BY: lawrence dworsky
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