You can try a simulation. Here are 45 given combinations:
givenSample = RandomChoice[Alphabet[], {45, 3}]
Here I assume that you are interested in the matching of 2 consecutive letters:
subSequencesOf2LettersConsecutive =
Union[Map[Rest, givenSample], Map[Most, givenSample]]
shares2lettersQ[{a_, b_, c_}] :=
MemberQ[subSequencesOf2LettersConsecutive, {a, b} | {b, c}]
Here I run the simulation:
sampleSize = 10000;
randomTriplets = RandomChoice[Alphabet[], {sampleSize, 3}];
results = Map[shares2lettersQ, randomTriplets];
Count[results, True]/sampleSize // N
I get a probability of 23%. You may have to adapt the code to your own assumptions.