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Why does ExportString with HTMLFragment fail in v13 when it worked in v12.3

Posted 2 years ago

ISSUE: The HTML page output that was generated "correctly" in v12.3 no longer works in v13. Specifically, the "Column" format of a simple List is now lost when the HTML page is generated.

The following code worked beautifully in v12.3:

myVar = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e"};
htmlPage = ExportString[Column[myVar], "HTMLFragment"]; 
Export["columnFails.html", StringJoin["<html><body>",
   "<p><h1><center>Page Heading</h1></p>",
   htmlPage, "</body></html>"], "Text"];

The output was an HTML Page as shown here (with {a,b,c,d,e} in the correct vertical Column format):
enter image description here

In v13, I now get:
enter image description here

Can anyone advise why this is occurring and/or how to fix this in v13 please? Any thoughts on an alternative approach would be much appreciated as well - thankyou.

Many thanks in advance.

POSTED BY: David Boyle
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