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Can anyone see why this formats oddly?

Posted 11 years ago
Hi everyone

Can anyone see why when a solution varible equals 1 the formating doesn't print, yet for all other numbers it seems fine.  Here is the program in its entirety.

 Do[a = Solve[(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)/3 == n^2 && y > 0 && x > 0 && z > 0 &&
     x <= y && y <= z, {x, y, z}, Integers]; a = {x, y, z} /. a;
  a = Flatten[a];
  If[Length[a] > 3, a = Delete[a, {{-1}, {-2}, {-3}}];
   a = Riffle[a, n, {4, -1, 4}]; a = Partition[a, 4];
   If[Length[a] > 1,
    Print["There are ", Length[a], " solutions when n = ", n]];
   If[Length[a] == 1,
   Print["There is ", Length[a], " solution when n = ", n]]; Do[Print[
\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(a[\([q, 1]\)]\), \("\<2\>"\)]\), " + ",
\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(a[\([q, 2]\)]\), \("\<2\>"\)]\), " + ",
\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(a[\([q, 3]\)]\), \("\<2\>"\)]\) " = ", "3x",
\!\(\*SuperscriptBox[\(n\), \("\<2\>"\)]\)], {q, 1, Length[a]}]], {n,
  3, 20}]

As you can see there is no superscript printed when the number is 1.  

Thanks in advance

POSTED BY: Paul Cleary
3 Replies
Great.  That's along the lines of the approach I was thinking of. 
POSTED BY: David Reiss
Posted 11 years ago
Thanks David, I took a look at those suggestions and using a mixture of them I have solved the printing format.

 Do[a = Solve[(x^2 + y^2 + z^2)/3 == n^2 && y > 0 && x > 0 && z > 0 &&
     x <= y && y <= z, {x, y, z}, Integers]; a = {x, y, z} /. a;
  a = Flatten[a];
  If[Length[a] > 3, a = Delete[a, {{-1}, {-2}, {-3}}];
   a = Riffle[a, n, {4, -1, 4}]; a = Partition[a, 4];
   If[Length[a] > 1,
      Row[{"There are ", Length[a], " solutions when n = ", n}]]]];
  If[Length[a] == 1,
     Row[{"There is ", Length[a], " solution when n = ", n}]]]];
     Row[{ExpressionCell[a[[q, 1]]]^2, " + ",
       ExpressionCell[a[[q, 2]]]^2, " + ",
       ExpressionCell[a[[q, 3]]]^2, " = 3x",
       ExpressionCell[n]^2}]]], {q, 1, Length[a]}]], {n, 3, 20}]

All is well thank you.

POSTED BY: Paul Cleary
When Mathematica evauates an expression--any expression--it performs first any appropriate simplifications.  Since 1 to any non-zero power (even if it is a string!) is 1, Mathematica first does this simplification. 

By the way, you might want to learn a bit about things like TextCell and ExpressionCell (along with Defer) and CellPrint so you can use Mathematica's powerful formatting abilities rather than using the ancient Print function. 
POSTED BY: David Reiss
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